Junkers Ju 86 R-2

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The Junkers Ju 86 R-2 was one of the final bomber models of the Ju 86 series. Equipped with the turbocharged Jumo 207 diesel engine, it was a development of the previous Junkers Ju 86 bomber. By 1942, it was becoming increasingly obvious that the P-series no longer possessed a sufficient maximum ceiling to evade enemy aircraft during operations, thus a determined effort was made by Junkers to boost performance with the aim of attaining even greater altitudes. The R-series differed from its predecessors primarily in its wing of higher aspect ratio which resulted in a span of 32 m. The modified wing was accompanied by the installation of an uprated engine with four bladed VDM propellers and provisions for GM-1. The self-contained two-seat pressure cabin was comprised of numerous flat plexiglas panels, with pressurization equivalent to an altitude of 3,000 m being maintained by tapping the port engine turbocharger. Access to the cockpit was provided by a circular hatch located in the floor. The Ju 86 R featured more powerful engines, a pressurized cabin, a maximum ceiling of nearly 15,000 m, & a maximum speed of nearly 420 km/h when utilizing GM-1. Armed with a fixed, rearward firing MG 17 in the H-Stand (tail), its bomb load, carried internally in the bomb bay (ESAC 250/IX), comprised of the following loads:

4 x 250 kg
16 x 50 kg
64 x 10 kg

In War Thunder, the Ju 86 R-2 would be a 1942-1944 mid to late war aircraft as the game’s other bomber, the SAAB B3C, is completely out of place for late war maps or events/scenarios & completely inappropriate for the Luftwaffe. About 48 Ju 86 D & G were converted to P standard with an unknown number further upgraded to the R standard. This suggestion is specifically for the Junkers Ju 86 R-2 bomber although I have also included information on the P-series for comparison. Main features of the Ju 86 R-2 would be:

~420 km/h maximum speed
Turbocharged Jumo 207 equipped with GM-1
Pressurized cockpit
MG 17 in H-Stand similar to the He 111 H-6
Maximum bomb load of 1,000 kg

Some more information:






People like you is the reason i come to the forum, to learn about interesting vehicles. Much love.

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A +1 from me! I’m honestly a big fan of the Ju 86, and I think it would be quite neat to see one added to the German TT!

Neat machine, if seemingly a bit tough to balance. Would be a good plane if photo-recon ever becomes a thing though

Just hit the screenshot button as you are flying around

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I found this following images of an article, in regards to how the British actually ended up intercepting the high altitude Ju 86 with the modified Spitfire Mk Vc. Interesting small article to read in regards the extreme measures they had to go to, to be able to intercept the Ju 86 P.

Also, a picture of a page, in the logbook of A.G.W. Gold, one of the pilots that intercepted the Ju 86 P, with an entry of such an interception, including an image of a “Ju86 High flyer”.


Info on G.E.C. Genders, the other pilot that intercepted the Ju 86 P: