Japanese Junkers Ju 87 A/K-1 Irena

First of all, the Japanese wanted to introduce him to naval service. Secondly, they tested it, and for the Japanese it became a prototype plane. Thirdly, each plane purchased for testing becomes a prototype plane in the country that bought it

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The technology used in the Ju 87 was used to improve the D3A aircraft and to develop the B7A. So for the Japanese, the Ju 87 K-1 was a useful design

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They wanted to introduce it to naval service, but because it didn’t have the range they wanted they never bought anymore after the evaluation units, instead going with a domestic design. As far as we can gather from the sources we have, it never saw service under Japan.

Testing is completely irrelevant. If your trying to say that there is precedent for its inclusion in War Thunder, then yes there is. That is not the same as it being a good idea, however and is not what is being argued about.

Now your getting into semantics. Perhaps if you want to get really technical, but it would be disingenuous to say so. The JU 87 had already been fielded in combat at this point and become a production aircraft. These are not prototype aircraft, rather production aircraft being evaluated by a prospective buyer.

As for the overall usefulness of the aircraft, that is frankly irrelevant. While it may have been a useful source of data, that does not change the fact it is not an indigenous design, that it was bought off the proverbial shelf from Germany, never saw service under Japan, and was forgotten about until they needed the metal.

One of the Ju 87 K-1s was not scrapped but destroyed in an American air raid. The second machine was probably dismantled for parts and sold as souvenirs after aircraft shows in 1940.

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Ok, that’s neat, but it doesn’t change the overall point(s).

The point is that I propose a cluster of pixels based on a real vehicle, for a game about vehicles that exist in real life. Since it is a video game (not a real world), any cluster of pixels can appear in it, creating anything, for example a French Panther, an American A6M Zero or a Japanese Ju 87 K-1. So I don’t understand the objections in this matter, you can do anything and add anything in games. That’s all I have to say

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I object to it because there isn’t any point to it, and all it does is contribute to making nations less unique when an indigenous vehicle can fill the role just as well, and if we use the precedent for including a captured vehicle into a TT simply because the it was captured, then you could justify almost every Axis vehicle being put into the Allied TTs, which would make Axis TTs largely pointless. While adding something like the JU 87 to Japan wouldn’t suddenly make Germany pointless to grind overnight, I don’t see the point in making the problem worse. As for the French Panthers and similar, those get a pass as, while they are captured/reparations, they were put into service by the ‘captor’ nations which cannot be said with most captured vehicles, at least as far as what is present in War Thunder is concerned. If I had my way, the US wouldn’t have any captured or evaluated foreign aircraft at all for the reasons I’ve already outlined.

This is not a question of could, it is a matter of should.

Maybe you’re right, the future will judge it. But your opinion won’t make me remove this suggestion, plus I’m planning more captured vehicles for Japan, so you’ll have nowhere to complain. Have a nice day


Eh why not, have a +1 from me. It could make for a somewhat neat premium, plus it’s a variant we don’t yet have in-game so that’s definitely a bonus