oh its just del 3. I already have that one
Still I would’ve preferred if they reworked the FM changes based on the Kompendium
I could definitely bug report this but it would just collect dust like the rest of them
Maybe maybe not. So goes the bug reports for vehicles unfortunately. Still wsiting on the Finnish T34 weights to be fixed
all my acknowledged reports are running their 1 year anniversary soon so yeah im not really excited to report stuff anymore
Thats the great thing then you get to PM mods and bug them about it. Some actually pass them to the devs which is nice but other times they are ignored. Trust me Smin hates me probably considering if i mention Finland i just imagine him holding back his urge to ban me for pinging him a lot lol, fair enough
I mean i made this just for him lol
This is a relevant cope post, where is the Finnish KV-1B?
best time to bug report things is during dev server so you can try
Huge, now to actually experience it
make it and i’ll send it to gunjob or wareta
Ive gotten up to that speed before with the AJ at sea level so i dont see a difference i gotta be honest
idk maybe it just me but airframe feels less draggy in a straight line
but it 100% loses less speed in turns
1.21 should be its max
yes 100%
Hit mach 1.95 before running out of fuel
I has return. Can someone sum up the fm changes for me? I see we finally have datalink hehe