I’d love to see the Tiger Meet tail paintjob from 2018! My favorite Italian Typhoon paintjob!
Did they fix it? Or is that a user skin?
I made it with simple hue play
I’m talking about possibly trying to balance Italian air since they are getting the EF(grippen,f16,EF in the same tech tree is just too OP in my opinion)
how are those 3 top tiers any more OP than like USA and israel with f15c, f15E and f16C or japan who will have F15C, gripen and f16am next update.
is there even such a thing as a too OP tech tree? why does it matter?
note: only 4 nations (germany, USSR, UK, sweden) are not going to have 3 13.7 aircraft after this update, and israel has the most with 4
@Faster_Boiiiii so according to EFA CEO, the P4E development Is going to be started this year and the P3E integration (for all the remaining efa I suppose? It’s not specified very well in the article) Will be ended in 2026.
thats not quite true
P4E SD (System Definition) phase contracts were signed this year
this is accurate.
New contracts will have to be signed once SD phase is done and Development can commence. that can probably be expected for next year
P3E is still ongoing. in fact, the german government signed some contracts for further P3E related equipment/upgrades, mainly for ground stuff.
Since He mentioned it in a general way, that probably mean that the rest of the Eurofighter partner nations (Italy, Germany and Spain) are probably going to have P3E on all theyr operative Eurofighter by 2026 (minus T1, wich Will be phased out by 2027-2028).
yeah yeah,
just meantioning that as an example that P3E is not done yet
what ir missiles did the italian eurofighters use?
9Li, ASRAAM was fitted once and then IRIS-T.
Italy also had stocks of 9M so probably was also fitted.
lol so italian eurofighter would actually be the most versatile eurofighter and best, it has irst and could chose either asraam or iris-t. well it doesnt have lwr, but doesnt matter really.
It doesn’t use ASRAAM in service. Iirc it was just fitted to a developmental aircraft or an IPA.
we have german once shown of with asraam and storm shadows as well, honestly doesnt mean much.
gajin could give anyone the choice what to use if they wanted to
because it doesnt matter which nation uses it and which doesnt. all nations jointly develop the software and do the testing for integration.
case in point: The meteor missile
it was first seen on british eurofighters and i think they did the first live fire outside of testing. yet the german luftwaffe considered it operational prior to recently when they did their first test launch.
that one realy broke me personaly when i read it that we only fired recently ourself
they do testing for All aircraft and not individually per country and per tranche and per block and per software.
its just easier this way and you get the same result. the aerodynamics are like mostly the same. that might change with AMK but for now if its on 1 jet it can be on another.
ik ppl like to joke about this but its quite literally just the truth here
i mean brimstone 3 got specialy tested for germany as well even if it was cleared for UK already wasnt it?
they will be tested
per country testing is a legal thing, not an aircraft thing. so britain might want x+y requirements to be met to allow this to fly in their airspace while germany might want x+z requirements to be met. the aircraft can carry them either way
the consortium only cares about the jet.
can it carry it
can it launch it
can it jettison it
can it … it
they do that testing and it’ll be cleared or not
but the country might want to see idk maybe how its jettisoned and where it would land or some stuff like that. things that aren’t important for the use on the jet