It’s Fixed! №93

When a kill and a cap is enough for a fully loaded tank buster somethings not right lol

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Noooo caS is op you cant just kill it from tank if it flyes 999km away …

Use SPAA/other plane.

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Restricting CAS to only the best players - how could that have any downsides?

Restrict SPAA for best players then.

Lmao here we go lmao. 40km air to ground missile vs 10km spaa with woeful missile physics ok bro totally got me with spawn spaa

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Play air rb

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Game does not allow you to use a-g weapon from more than 20km
Longest SAM is 20km, at least in GRB/GSB.

Play tank arcade then.

Which belongs to the nation with the 20km missile lmao

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Null argument because there’s still cas in arcade but no player spaa in AIR RB try again

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Interesting that the change only lists GBUs, not TV missiles. Nice!

There is no any reason for increasing GBU cost while SPAA/SAM cost 70 SP.


Even maverick able to launch from 20km, if you will have good start speed and altitude.

In arcade is no cas that at least in theory is not capable to be shot down.
Youre spawning at 5 km from battle, all/most sams can shoot at this distance without issues

Why? When you have 1 spaa option per nation vs multiple CAS options. Second to that you’ve just limited yourself to an AA role and leave yourself extremely vulnerable to every other vehicle on the map, meanwhile you have the capacity to smash other plane, helicopters, and destroy multiple tanks with a single loadout… But noo SPAA is the problem lol

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It never worked like that with GBUs. Stand-off weapons already had very high spawn costs. Feel sorry for those who just bought CAS aircraft in the sale, they’ll never get to use them lol.

Exactly… Vs 10km spaa lol

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You have at least 2 SPAA options, plane, another plane, spaa.

Shoot maverick/use not SPAA, use plane.