Issues with the JAS 39 Gripen flight model


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Didn’t you share a screenshot in the old thread of the Gripen having twice the SEP over the M2K at like 20° AoA?

The Gripen and M2K drag curve is pretty much identical up until 28° AoA… or am I missing something? Maybe there’s another drag parameter in the code somewhere?

It isn’t identical. CD at Mach .8 jumps up to above .5 at just above 25 degrees AoA. That is what the furthest left brown line is. The chart is an earlier one so the lines are not properly color coded. Anytime the Mirage 2000 is attempting to max perform its turn it’s drag coefficient is going to be about as high as the F-16 until things get to low speeds.

This diagram is based on the current flight model. The numbers might be closer than before but I haven’t tested Gripen for SEP because no matter what test I do people will not be satisfied. It’s not worth being personally attacked over it.

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Ah right, yeah now that I think about it .7-.8 mach are pretty much where most top tier jet dogfights happen, it’s an important speed area. I saw in the datamine that they “adjusted” it at around these levels for the Gripen
You flew some Gripen yesterday, did you notice any difference?

Fair, I do faintly remember the 20° AOA double SEP screenshot but mods deleted the whole theead. Anyways I hope Gio is on a good track to make the report

I am flying against Su-27s. Any difference is imperceptible to me. Bleed rate might be marginally higher at high speed. But even testing against F-16A earlier today it felt the same and fight was over fairly quickly.

im still waiting on the radar change hopefully soon

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oh wrong gripen thread

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Love this, lmfao

Has anyone actually made a report showing the rather large discrepancy in SEP for the Gripen vs other designs?

This is off topic? Y’all crazy

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On bug report site, the sole report mentioning something related to the Gripen FM is old, and does not refer to SEP/MER.

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Not this again

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There are new sources, will report in the following weeks

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@Gunjob any reports on Gripen SEP internally?

Not entirely there was one about a month ago but it was listed as not a bug, ill try to find it.

I thought there was a change to the Gripen’s SEP a while back?

The current graphs in the thread are no longer accurate but I can’t tell if the SEP is now correct or just a little bit less wrong.

Turn rate was reduced, rate of energy loss doesn’t seem to have changed much if at all.

Have you tested it against the Mirage 2000 on the dev server? That FM refuses to loose speed now.

If there was an error with the M2K SEP it can also be reported, but the turn rate curve was bad there to begin with. I assisted those who were able to report that.

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It might be something you want to look into. If memory serves correct your comments were that the Mirage 2000 was very close in design to the Gripen, so such a large difference in SEP was clearly incorrect. If the Mirage 2000 now has ridiculous SEP as well it kind of takes the teeth out of that comparison.

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I said the curves should be similar, perhaps that is the case now.

Regardless, the F-16 design is markedly better for SEP and energy maneuverability but is 1/2 the performance of the Gripen in this regard somehow … Even though the F-16 appears to overperform already as well. Interesting.