Israel needs newer SPAA

This idea sucks.

In game or in real life?
If in game, this is true (in regards to top tier)
If in real life, this is the opposite of true

Israel has a lot of potential for SPAA, such as the SPYDER AIO or HVSD/ADAMS, both exceptionally capable anti air vehicles.

Israel doesn’t operate the SPYDER and the ADAMS is a bit… meh

That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t receive them (The Kfir C.10 was never operated by Israel, but they still received it), and the ADAMS is, from what I’ve read, superior to the Pantsir-S1 in some aspects.
I am curious however, if these vehicles aren’t applicable as you say, what should be added?

After doing further digging, a lot of stuff about the Barak 1 is classified so that’s off the table.
If Gaijin got the C.10 in, then there’s nothing stopping the SPYDER from being added, and if none are applicable - the next thing is the Patriot and implementing that would either be unplayable or the most BS thing in the game since you need the radar and all.

They are planning to add multi-vehicle anti air systems, so I don’t doubt Patriot being added in the future, but I’m not knowledgeable on it so I won’t argue balancing. I don’t think the Barak-1 missile is as mysterious as you think, this suggestion thread goes over it quite well in my opinion.

It’s a fun read

Israel has tested the SPYDERs capabilities a few weeks ago, although not operational, The state gave Rafael the “Go” to try and shoot down Hezbollah rockets. So you could say it has been used by the country operationally.

In short: the use of SPYDER by the IDF has been declassified, having one battery stationed at the Western Galil in Israel. Unfortunately, 2 accidents happened that got one Israeli civilian killed by one of the missiles that lost track of its target, and another accident where the missile hit a military ship’s engine.

Israel use spyder rn lol

Man so sad Israel just doesn’t invest in the cheap ass SACLOS SAMs bullshit and instead actually put good missiles (Fox-3s) on a truck. Now we can’t get it because other nations haven’t figured it out yet :(

Adams joined the chat

thats not true. recent events proved that israel used the spyder,
when a spyder’s interceptor missile fell on a road in Israel

They use the david sling, iron dome and tha thing with the laser. But not SPYDER as far as I know.

Check again

Its irrelevant either way.
Additions dont need to have been in service.
As long as the country developed them they are valid to be added.

Show me the french ito90m.
Leopard 2 pso and so on. No requirement zhat vehicles have to have been in service

Check this out then :)

Edit: Use translate to english

Was actually talking about the AiO since I was focusing on top tier. My bad I didn’t specify, the ADAMS is 11.0 at max capability wise

yea ur far from reality, israel has a spaa in real life being the spyder aio. it entered service since last year


Hell yeah, it looks so menacing

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I see now