IRIS-T - The pinnacle of IR guided Short Range Air to Air Missiles

An overview of the IRIS-T FCAAM


PL-10 is also almost a carbon copy of the IRIS-T body…

What i wanted to say, at the end is that:

From best to worse:
At close range (<5km):
IRIS-T with all it’s copy (PL-10*/A-Darter) and Python 5

-IRIS-T/Python , best maneuvrability and sensor
-Aim9X, good maneuvrability and sensor but behind TOP1
-ASRAAM, same as above but behind
-R73M/R74, worse range and sensor, more prone to flare
-MICA, worse sensor of the bunch for high-off-boresigth whitch make it the worse for a dogfigth

At medium range (<20km):

At this kind of range, pulling 70G is useless and is going to consume too mutch energy
The best is then the missile with the biggest range and the best sensor

At long range(<50km):
//Other missiles cannot really go beyond 20km in any practical situation

Only missile able to go that kind of range

*Depends on what you think about the PL-10 but idk why it should be “propaganda”.

I included the MICA NG because it’s going to be soon integrated on the rafale and other systems.
The IRIS-T FCAAM is only a CONCEPT and is not supposed to go on any airplane at any time. It’s a proof of concept for maybe the next generation of missile on the FCAS or other 6GEN aircraft.
Is not going to be in service by at least 2030 while the MICA NG is “SOON TM”.

That has absolutly no sense, i think you meant a double impulse thruster.
Indeed it will get one to have better maneuvrability in the terminal phase to be able to pull 50G even at 50kms. It will greatly improve Kill probablity for shots at greater range.
It didn’t have variable thruster like the IRIS-T because when it was made, the main goal wasn’t to be able to shot at a target behind but the furthest away and for that a main pulse+ a sustainer is the best. It’s still possible to shoot behind the aircraft but at the expense of a lot of range.

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no missile would need to pull 70g on such ranges…such kind of pull is only needed shortly after launch.
Also mica, how would mica make such distance possible? With what? There is nothing on it that Producer lift…the fins at the back dont do sh*t
Thats why IRIS T has als the fins in the body to gain lift - to make long ranges possible

There is a reason why MICA RF exists… and it is a BVR weapon…

Because the MICA IR is a 60KM max range IR Missile while the IRIS-T is a 25km max range missile.
The MICA NG being sold at 80km max range.

How they do it is another question, but that’s a fact

Why is ASRAAM below AIM-9X and IRIS-T for medium range? The AIM-9X is using a smokeless version of the AIM-9D’s rocket motor (a motor that originated from the early 1960s). By comparison the ASRAAM has a far larger rocket motor specifically for the ASRAAM to give it better performance at long range.

Likewise the whole reason Germany dropped out of the ASRAAM programme was because Britain wanted a very long range IR missile, while Germany wanted a shorter range missile with superior manoeuvrability. So it would logically follow that IRIS-T has better short range capability and ASRAAM has better long range capability.

How could you possibly know that?

Nobody mentioned here mica RF because its a radar missile and this is about IR…jesus

No in service, no solid test results…stop using mica NG in this here…it makes no sense

Ofcourse xD

I also think the ASRAAM should be better at medium range than the IRIS-T (see my post before), i did my list wrong.
For the AIM-9X it depends if we’re talking about the Block 2 or the Block 3. The Block 2 being behind the ASRAAM and the Block 3 with an increase of 60% range being above the ASRAAM. * Block 3 achieved initial operational capability in 2022 but is still not in active service.

Agree with you on this point

Other missile were not designed to do BVR.
The maximum theorical range of the AIM9 (<Block 3) is 20km. (your point on the motor that didn’t change for 40years)
The ASRAAM has range “in excess” of 25km, but i’m not sure it’s possible to achieve that kind of range in any practical way (This is probably calculated for 2 aircraft flying at MACH 1 into each other at 36000ft and not doing any evasive maneuveurs). It’s theoricaly possible but wouldn’t be achieved in real combat (The Magic 2 we have in game has a theorical max range of 14kms but you won’t see a kill at that distance any time)
The IRIS-T is given a range of up to 25kms whitch is again not really possible in any real combat situation.
The PYTHON-5 has a theorical max range of 20kms, same as the AIM9-X, it’s not a missile made for any long range engagment, it’s really a pure dogfigth missile (and it’s one of the best at it).
The R73M/R74 has a theorical maximum range of 40kms but i really don’t know how they calculated this one.
On the other hand the MICA IR has a theorical max range of 60kms, while this range is not in any really obtainable in a real combat situation it has the best range of all the other IR missile out there (execpted the R-27ET) and is able to shoot farther at the cost of being behind in off-boresigth capabilities.
Saying it’s able to shoot further than 20km with still energy to do maneuvers. From open source information the MICA IR shoud be able to pull 30g even after a 15kms.
It was in the doctrine of the french airforce to have two “long range” BVR missile with IR and RF so the ennemy don’t know witch kind of counter-messure to use in case a missile is on him. Especialy since the NATO doctrine at the time was to shoot on the enemy aircraft only after visual/ID confirmation (so closer range than the max range of a radar).

That’s why i put it between (bracket), to show that’s it’s not yet avaible but soon will be.

Well yeah, give me a source that’s say something different

It’s the same body, only different seeker. Look at R-27ER and R-27ET.

@theKEY It is clear that you are wrong and nobody here doesn’t agree with you because you are simply wrong. I don’t get it why you try though.


well, give me a source that proves that MICA IR has that range, you stated it, you need to prove - not me, it doesnt work like that

and whats about them?
ER and ET have the same seeker in both missile
ET has the T seeker, ER has the R seeker
the body and the motors are diffrent

i explained above already what the case with this missiles is, but if you to butthurted to, idk, read it because your holy french missiles are worse, that is not really my problem
also, just because nobody here agrees or only agrees to a certain amount , it doesnt make me wrong lol

but if you think, if the majority says so - it must be true, go ahead

Range up to 50km.

Well if you insist:

Range of 80km

Range of 50km (source from when it was in development so not the most accurate)

Range of 60km+

Range of 60km

Range of 60km

Range of 55km

Range of 60miles= 96km
*The IR version is 10% less due to aerodynamics : 54 miles = 87km

Range of 60kms
Hit a drone target at 67kms

I hope it’s enougth for you and i’m still waiting for any source @theKEY


Well i’m wrong then, it’s capable after 20kms, but still not as mutch as the Mica (having a bit longuer range)
With that kind of maximum range, a shot behond 20km still has a very low kill probability.
Same for the MICA, firing them at their maximal range is still probably going to do nothing.

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thanks for the sources. :)
but many of them talking of MICA in general not specific variant etc
also they state so many diffrent values

You really don’t like the MICA IR isn’t it? ;-)

The MICA RF and MICA IR have the same body and propulsor, the only difference is the sensor at the end of the missile. The difference in range between the two are due to the aerodynamics of the seeker (the IR one being a little bit less aerodynamic than the RF one).
The aerodynamics difference make the range of the IR missile around 10% from the first source and from other source the IR one has 60kms max range while the RF one has 80kms.

As you can see all the different values are still above 60kms and since there was a test at 67kms you know that this value is rigth (at least for the RF variant)