IRIS-T SL - The Surface Launched variant

if gaijin does give germany all those things i would honestly not want hungary as a subtree but knowing gaijin giving us our vehicles a few patches later as it all gets powercrept…

tbh germany needs a stronger AA and IRIS-T SLM would be perfect for that

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You all have to understand, that WT is a propaganda game… Its not made to let ruZZia look like a weak nation. And when other countrys didnt get the right stuff, than is it 1 of many was to do for them…

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+1 the SLS Mk III for Germany and SLS (Bv 410) for Sweden would be great additions for ~11.3
VT-1 just doesn’t cut it for shorter ranges, especially on the FlakRakRad with only 2 RTF.

Iris T SLS would be 11.7
12 km range is a little bit limited, but LOAL via Data Link in combination with the strong infrared imaging seeker head that can basically not be flared and the high G pull, the air defence systems would be the strongest at their given range and only Pantsir with the higher range can compete with that

However, all systems are limited to only 4 missiles. Plus, IRIS-T can only achieve max-g with TVC, which would not extend out to the full 12km max range. I’m not sure at what range the IRIS-T would burn out but I’m sure that’s information that can be found somewhere.

The Swedish version only has 4 rounds. But with a little creativity, you can also pack a trailer with ammunition between the front vehicle and the miseile trailer. Even if it is not done in reality, it should at least be possible.

As far as the Boxer is concerned, we don’t yet know exactly what it will be. There could still be 6 missiles by the time the contract is signed in the first quarter of this year. And we don’t yet know exactly how the module for the Boxer is constructed. Perhaps replacement ammunition is also planned here, so that even more rounds will be available.

As far as manoeuvrability is concerned. Even if you hardly have any manoeuvrability at 10-12 km, as soon as you are in the closer range where the high G number can be pulled, it is a 95 percent kill because the missile is almost impossible to flare and can be used at any distance thanks to Data Link.

The funny thing about the IRIS-T is that its rocket motor has 4 different stages, a Faster first stage to get the missile up to speed to try and catch targets, a slower second motor to sustain speed during maneuvering, a 3rd fast burn to gain more speed, followed by a final slower burn, meaning it retains almost full maneuverability up until 10ish Kilometers

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I’m counting ~12 seconds of burn time on these 2 SLM launches

might have also just been the cloud blocking the view but its at least 12 seconds, thats for sure.

im sorry to be that guy but please give source about IRIS-T having 4 stages

Not 4 motors, but 4 different stages to the motor burn and sure, I’ll dig into my drive

wording mistake

made an edit

Starting gun sounds for short- and very short-range air defence system | Diehl Defence


Unfortunately, the first production-ready prototypes for the FlaRak Boxer IRIST-SLS will not be ready until 2028. And if I have understood correctly, such a prototype is the minimum requirement for Gaijin to add a vehicle to the game.
I believe that the Skyranger 30 on Boxer chassis will come first, as there are already prototypes and they should be ready for series production by 2027.


(I know it is german, but it is the only one I found that goes a little bit more into detail when it comes to development and delivery time of the FlaRak Boxer and Skyranger 30)

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The German procurement system has no definition of “expedient” unfortunately so yeah the Skyranger 30 and 35 are far more likely to come in, especially since they’ve both been around for a bit as demonstrators/prototypes

yeah i wrote that in the boxer thread

The ITo-90M was also added to both Sweden and France so maybe this will be added to both Germany and Sweden

well the ITO-90 was used by finland, thats why its in the swedish tree.

Doesn’t make sense for it to be in the french tree though…