IRIS-T SL - The Surface Launched variant

For the German tree, I would rather hope for the FlaRak Boxer, which is currently being developed by Rheinmetall, Diehl and Hensoldt under the project name NNBS, which encompasses the entire future of German air defense at short to medium range. If everything goes according to plan, then the order for the completion and production of NNBS will be passed by parliament at the end of this year or the beginning of next year and the first FlaRakBoxers would then join the troops for testing purposes in 2026. So among other things a Boxer Skyranger with 30 mm machine gun and surface-to-air missiles in the class of Stinger or Mistral (later perhaps also SADM from MBDA which are specifically against small drones), Iris-T SLM systems like those that were sent to Ukraine and most importantly for War Thunder a FlaRakBoxer with Iris-T SLS MK3, own Spexer radar (AESA) and FLIR system. This FlaRak tank should be able to fire on the move and at least Iris-T SLS Mk3 also has a LOAL capability via a data link, although I don’t know up to what range this works, because otherwise the seeker head could get too warm, which is why SLM has a small protective cap on the head.

Sources for the pictures:

I would also provide english sources for the vehicle, but unfortunately they are all in German and the ones that explain it really well are behind paywalls anyway, so unfortunately I can’t just copy the text here

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Already discussed plenty in here as well xD

In fact at least Iris-T SLS Mk3 has a LOAL mode and I’m not sure about the normal Iris-T SLS. They are more or less the same missiles that are used in air-to-air combat and in air combat Iris-T (at least when used by the Eurofighter) have a LOAL mode that works via a 2-way data link, so that you are able to engage targets at 180° (for example behind the aircraft).
The main reason for this is that the Bundeswehr requires LOAL and firing while travelling for its NNBS project, which is why the working group developing a proposal for the project (Diehl, Hensoldt and Rheinmetall) developed the Iris-T SLS MK3 in the first place

English source:
Diehl Defence unveils IRIS-T-SLS Mk III mobile SHORAD system (

German source directly from the company that developed and produce the iris-t:
IRIS-T SLS | Diehl Defence

there is little to no reason to believe that the IRIS-T SLS does not retain the LOAL capability of the standard IRIS-T.

The reason for the Mk3 development(afaik its JUST a vehicle/launcher type, NOT a new missile) is that its compact and fully integrated. The Swedish SLS variant requires an external radar and is tracked. The Norwegian variant is like the Mk3 but is very new but essentially the same. It is also tracked. The Mk3 is wheeled

No, it’s not a new missile, but the articles on Mk3 made it sound as if the software had also been updated, in addition to the compression of sensors and effectors into one platform, in order to fulfil the requirement for firing while driving.

all SLS missiles got some software changes

The normal IRIS-T SLS also feature LOAL as stated by the Swedish military who uses it on their Eldenhet 98 platform.

“Det går att välja två olika typer av avfyrning, Lock-On-Before-Launch (LOBL) eller Lock-On-After-Launch (LOAL).”

“It is possible to choose between two modes of firing, Lock-On-Before-Launch (LOBL) and Lock-On-After-Launch (LOAL).”

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Please someone has to make a suggestions to developers having that will be amaizing.

there were/are suggestions on the old forum. my suggestion for the Mk III got rejected because “its only a mockup”

It is only a matter of time that it enters in service;why do not anticipate that?

We can make a suggestion when the Boxer with IRIS-T SLS is finished

We will wait.

well that specific variant might not enter service. the Bw is more looking into boxer-based variants. also 4 missiles but on the boxer chassis and with a rotating turret. no idea about radar as its not even past the concept phase publically.

though personally i think the Mk III is a better option due to size but im not the BAAINBw so i have no say in that

The German sources that can be found on the subject always refer to a radar from Hensoldt’s Spexer series. The concept drawing of the FlaRakBoxer can also be found in a video by Hensoldt on this radar series.

This has to be in game!

Skyranger on Lynx chassis will only be ordered by Hungary and therefore the version will only be found in the Italian tree. For the German tree, the Skyranger will come on a Boxer chassis just like the FlaRakPz (i.e. the same turret with only 30 mm while the Hungarian one can also have 35 mm calibre). Especially because it already exists as a prototype and has already been ordered by the German army

honestly i think hungary shouldve been a subtree of germany. seems they have much more in common with german designs and collaboration during the war years and even now.

To be honest, I see it differently. I’ve gone through the German and Italian tech trees and, on the one hand, the Italians need the subtree more urgently than Germany because they lack additional equipment, while Germany doesn’t have more because Gaijin doesn’t want it and not because there’s a lack of historical and current vehicles . On the other hand, Hungary would hardly bring anything new into the German tree precisely because of the high number of vehicles from German and Soviet production. ZSU 23, T-72 and Leopard 2A4 were all also in German use. The Leopard 2A7+HU is a Leopard 2A8 without an additional power unit for quiet power generation when stationary and without the Israeli APS and the Lynx can also be inserted into the German tree because the vehicle was developed in Germany. Although I don’t see why you should do that, because the Puma S1 is as good or better in every aspect except that the soft kill system can’t (at least for now) stop laser guided and laser beam riding missiles. And there is nothing new in anti-aircraft defense either, because the Skyranger is also being introduced in Germany, only on a Boxee chassis and if Hungary really buys Iris-T SLS, then Germany already has its own counter part that can be used in a to could add two years. Even with attack helicopters there would be nothing new because Germany has now also bought the H145M with Hforce. Only the Gripen and the BTR would be new and to be honest, the Eurofighter and Boxer with Lance turret or now the Lithuanian version with Israeli turret is the better jet or the better wheeled ifv. And when it comes to alliances, Italy is a historical ally of Hungary, just like Germany.

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Skyranger 30 and Skyranger 35 are 2 different things.
D742e0823-Oerlikon-Skyranger-35.pdf (
Skyranger 35 looks like this(Boxer chassis) and i dont see why it should be a Hungary exclusive…

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I know that the 35mm MK has a longer range and also thanks to a larger caliber a larger tungsten cloud when the ammunition breaks down in the air. But even with OTOMATIC, I very rarely hit targets beyond 5 km, other than helicopters on the BR that this anti-aircraft tank would encounter (10.7 or higher). And the distance can easily be achieved (in Warthunder) with the 30mm, even if in reality we talk about an effective range of 3km. Thanks to its lower weight, the Boxer version can also carry stingers like the 35 mm version on the Lynx, which theoretically have LOAL just like the IRIS-T SLS in its most current version and should therefore be the main effector at longer ranges. So I don’t see why the Skyranger 35 Lynx would necessarily be needed in the German tree, because there is simply no gap that needs to be filled. Especially when the Bundeswehr has already bought the Skyranger 30 on a Boxer chassis.
And if we talk about Skyranger 35 on Boxer Chassis, it cant carry ManPads and by this would be kinda difficult to balance.