I just test flew the J10 on the Dev Server, and my overall Impression of it was great, until i looked a little closer. First of all, the J10 was able to carry PL8 IR missles, which had IRCCM. Ingame, the missles do NOT have IRCCM. which leaves the planes Missles at the Mercy of the Enemy being completely unaware, especially since most Jets at this BR have 100-700+ flares. Which leaves me to the other even bigger flaw of the J10 currently on the Dev Server. it only has 18 Large caliber, and 36 small caliber Flares… (Small comparison, the swedish gripen has 80 Large Caliber flares, and 640 small caliber. the J10 only having 54 Flares, would make it practically impossible to use it in AIR RB. Anyone know if the Amount of Flares is gonna be changed before release? maybe by adding Flare pods?
Re: IR missiles and flares.
Dear TooMuchSKILL,
On God, for real!
It’s all subject to change and it will most likely receive more flares and missiles with IRCCM as bug reports come in.
Dev server things. It has 18 jumbo flares but those don’t exist in game yet.
I have heard that the J10A “can” carry LW/KZ-900 series of decoy pods but have not found any proof. I guess for now we will have to deal with 18 large / 36 normal countermeasures.
dev server is never correct first try. issues will be fixes as models get finished and reports for inaccuracies come forth
Someone did an estimate of the J10A countermeasure size and determined that the current “small” countermeasure pod dispenses countermeasures equal in size to Western large scale countermeasures, and the current “large” countermeasure pods are even more massive than existing large scale countermeasures.
Hopefully the J10A gets updated with 72 large countermeasures… and potentially a “jumbo” countermeasure option?