Increase Bomber AI engagement and tracking distances to historical levels (RB/SB)

seeing how bad bombers have it rn in every regard (survivability, lack of ticket bleed for destroyed bases…) they should absolutely get some firepower back

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this is a sad attempt at an “achually”. You clearly don’t play bombers in air rb…

10.775 battles in planes classified as “bomber” in Air RB is fully supporting your assessment:


Fight Club - Imgflip

Then how you can claim bomber gunners serve any use currently is beyond me. They only shoot when the enemy is literally flying tight circles around you like an idiot. At that point you are usually long dead

If you would have read my posts and linked posts you would have realized that i never claimed such things.

In order to avoid endless repetition loops:

What most guys flying bombers / strike fighters with gunners fail to understand is that playing those vehicles is above BR 2.3 simply much more demanding than fighter game play - simply based on the fact that you can’t extend in almost all bombers whilst being attacked.

So instead of asking to make things more convenient for you i recommend to deal with the cards you have.

I do agree that outside reload time and maybe gunner stamina the gunner XPs are a waste. After flying several thousand matches in planes with ai gunners, i would guess that less than 20 kills were achieved by ai gunners, and those were imho rather “accidents” whilst dogfighting with fighters or i was focused on flying the plane at very low alt.

Your main goal whilst flying a “non-fighter” with gunners is to avoid being shot at - and if this is not possible to keep them as long as possible inside your, but outside their gun range.

And the ability of flying the plane (autopilot off in manual gunner mode) dodging incoming fire whilst using your gunner with your mouse is a key skill like situational awareness and relative / absolute positioning vs potential threats.

The fellow player above is right - everybody who has ever flown a Bv 238 will agree that the convergence settings for multi turrets are a joke. Same with belts - a lot of defensive weapons had highly / more effective belts irl that wt is willing to offer.

Imho you should adress the fact that manual gunner received some hidden nerfs over the years most of the community barely noticed. I stopped playing B-18B due to other reasons, but whilst flying them it was obvious for me that gaijin added artificial spread to gunners and nerfed the damage output. Long range kills >2.5 km are now impossible - and if an XP-50 survives 6 hits and a crit within 2 km without getting slower there is something wrong…

My whole view on ai gunner discussions is that i don’t see any need for ai mechanics in a PvP game in the first place. If you feel the need to fly a bomber with turrets - you should have the necessary skill set to fly and use your gunners simultaneously - and not expecting that an ai gunner is doing your job - that’s all.

I fully agree that flying a prop bomber is a real pain and gaijin could do a lot of things to strengthen the game play for really passionate pilots. But the most posts i see (i exclude the OP / suggestion here) are more or less pure selfish requests by rather low skilled pilots which sees bombing just as a cheap way to grind.

Most of those guys shouting the loudest are exactly those guys flying straight to a base and got shot down whilst in bombardier view - you see rarely very experienced (and successful) bomber players asking for extended ai gunner ranges as they are using their gunners manually.

Highly agree! But at longer distances the gunners need accuracy nerf, but in closer combet, make them deadlier!

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i have that skill, but no ai is bs. In large vehicles such as bombers and ships, ai makes absolute sense. Even if just to punish people for being dumb enough to fly within 800m distance to the rear of a bomber.

And having historically accurate ai doesn’t suddenly make us experienced players unable to use the gunners ourselves…

+1 especially if there is a way to ramp up accuracy depending on the distance the fighter is from the bomber. I primarily play fighters, and I’ve always mained fighters since I started playing in 2013. I remember back when bombers were gunships ruling/ruining Air RB but those days are long gone, and bombers could use any bit of help they might get. I definitely think they’ve been nerfed too hard