In the name of all that's Holy lower the B-29 BR

That deserves to be moved to 12.7 😂

This thing (or TU-4 I don’t remember) fights 8km SARH missiles it physically cannot dodge. It’s very funny I love my Voutor interceptor

In theory yes - but if you see the reality in matches around the Ju 288 bubble - the average fighter pilot will go for the bomber what ever it takes. Either he is a GER/IT fighter noob and is paired with 4 Ju 288s and goes for an ez kill before he got swarmed by undertiered US fighters - or he is an experienced Ta 152 H-1 pilot going to fulfil a daily special task.

I mean another indicator is the treatment of bomber kills in daily special tasks.

If we look at this:

2 bomber kills for 2nd daily task (= 1 match in the right plane)
8 bomber kills for a special task (You need 30 fighter kills for a Special Task)

…you might get the impression that shooting down bombers is:

  1. Extremely difficult and just a job for really good pilots


  2. An incentive to kill bombers as faster alternative to get BP points

I genuinely think that Air Realistic Battles can be made better. Imagine having varied missions, asymmetric power distributions, or spawn locations. The maps’ variety means you have detail (i.e., granular tickets, more important mission goals) and can consistently make the experience engaging.
We have a good starting point; this is a dream, but perhaps if you feel missions could use uniqueness, suggest and push for it.


Most 20mm are way way OP, and they one shot shred heavy bombers in a way that leaves historical reality-based game play in the dust. BF-109’s, FW-190’s, P-400’s, P-39’s etc need to have either their cannons nerfed or the heavy bomber damage model s/b massively buffed.

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That’s what I meant, too.

Yes and no.

This came up a lot with realshatter and I think its less they need “buffed” and more they need to just be improved. The damage models are too simple. With entire sections of the aircraft just one part. for a small fighter this is relatively fine, but scaled up to a heavy bomber and it just doesnt work. Significantly increasing the number of zone on the bomber. Might be all the survivability buff the heavy bombers need.


Morvan, I seriously couldn’t agree more. However, I don’t know what the coding technical requirements would be as well as how that would end effect computational requirements server side. Also there would be a development cost benefit analysis which may not be economically feasible from Gaijin’s business model. In other words that would subtract from current manpower resources for projects that do make revenue. So maybe they should just nerf the Fighter cannons and give the Bombers a little structural buff. Also, lower the BR and increase the starting altitude.


Yeah, I’m fairly convinced that Gaijin does not like bombers or strike aircraft as ARB seems to be designed to be bad for them. An RB EC gamemode would be widely welcomed by most. But will likely never appear.

I’m always a tad dubious with “artificial nerfs/buffs for balance” because I never entirely trust they will be equal or fair. But I think a total overhaul of how BRs are calculated for bombers, especially if they remove bomb load from the equation (and the elimination of GRB performance in June) I think a LOT of bombers could find themselves at significantly lower BRs

(Iim rather looking forward to Junes update in this regard and have already started forming arguments for aircraft to get lowered BRs, though most of my attention is for higher tier aircraft like the Buc, Jag and Tornado)


Yep, having some dedicated jet ‘bombers’ would be cool. Imagine a little swarm of Tornadoes coming in with full bombs, and you have to intercept them - I’d be addicted right away.

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Yeah… kinda drives me nuts that we are still intercepting F-86s in Gripens and similar era aircraft. (In sim)

The b29 is fine for me, totally usable.

If i am lazy however and just fly directly into the entire enemy team down the middle and making a direct approach on target - then i accept i will annihilated.

As such, i go to side so when i do come to bomb, i can fly over all bases with hardly any course adjustment.
It works well, much better than MAYBE reaching a base then you have to do a 90 degree turn to get onto the next base - with 6 guys on my 6…

Bit like going headon when you dont need to then being suprised that the fw190 killed your biplane…

I. Just. Don’t. Know. What. To. Say. 🙄

The only thing thats holey right now is the B-29s getting shot down…

but the tu-4 would have been against jet aircraft irl

just move the b-29 br to 6.3

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What it would fight irl =/= what it should face ingame.

The Pbv 301 was introduced in the '60s, should it be fighting T-55s?

Balance doesnt depend on introduction date, only viecle characteristics.

well then it gets same treatment as the b-29 as it is literally a nearly identical clone of it

What are you saying?? The TU-4 was a copy of the B-29. On top of that it is armed with 23mm(?) cannons. So yeah, there’s a reason it’s a higher br…

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That is actually not true.

Gaijin tries to balance BRs on plain average battle results (= average player, totally independent from actual, so pure technical performance) and “special reasons” like being a premium or not - or “reasons” like coming from county A.

In addition stuff like SL/RP multipliers, airspawn or not and (until last year) extreme repair cost ranges for successful aircraft are used to “balance”. And, ofc, the respective nation (popular or not) and corresponding win rates and the total number of matches played with certain aircraft have an impact.

Bombers in general and particular aircraft like the B-29 are treated otherwise - alone the fact that this topic pops up every few days is a clear indicator for that.

The imho way too high BRs of almost all bombers is a clear sign by gaijin of “don’t play it” or “play it to drop and accept to get killed” - whilst the tendency to have rather low BRs for opposing fighters is aimed to support this approach.

Imho 6.3 or better 6.0 would be justified from a pure game play perspective - but gaijin would accept that a lot of bombers would score reasonable amounts of SL & RP income - ofc not a desired goal for gaijin.

On top of that the average opposing fighter jock lacks the experience and necessary patience to kill a B-29. I mean they struggle to fight Ju 288s and forced gaijin to implement countless open and hidden nerfs of Ju 288s - and a good flown B-29 was 4-5 years ago not a “point and click” target, you needed some brain power to kill them whilst the defensive fire power forced you to outclimb them in order to perform an attack with high access speed.