I Have A Small Request From War Thunder Developers

I would like to make a skin for the Turkish pilot named Cengiz Topel on the F-100 series aircraft (especially the F-100D) in the game.

He was tortured and brutally murdered in the Cyprus Peace Operation, contrary to the rules of war.

I only have a small request from the producers of War Thunder, and that is, in memory of Cengiz Topel, I would like his plane skin to be added to the game.


I don’t think they are gonna do that… they want to keep the agerating at 12 they wouldn’t want the agerating to be 18…

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Based on this request, undoubtely we have a infinite list of names that falls under this requirements.


My request is the MiG-25!


Another based gamer

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You can make a suggestion

here for a wider event that like :

here for an aircraft skin

or here for a profile pic

Though the suggestion doesnt really full under the normal style and not really something they normally do events for

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I think Mig-25 can be good at game.

thank you for saying