You misunderstood, I when I said M1A1 production had nearly completed I meant including Heavy Armor Versions. Which as we have just learned sacrificed CE protection for KE protection.
You need to be more specific with what you are talking about, the M1A1 HA was the first M1 with DU armour, it entered service in 1988, then there was the M1A1 HC which entered service late 1990 i.e. the HC entered service after the new armour package had entered service, then there is also the M1A1 HA+ and M1A1D, FYI the M1A1D was the digitalised M1A1.
The AIM/SA program on the other hand was basically a complete resetting of the M1A1s i.e. complete refurbishment, the original AIM had the same armour as the HC / M1A2, as did the original SEP, however in 2002 they all started to receive the improved armour.
The British designed a new Chobham for M1A2 but only 62 were build
Incorrect again, the source you are talking about is this:

The Block 2 was the M1A2:

Regardless as can be seen today neither of the things in the first source came to fruition as there are way more then 62 M1A2s and the M1 Abram production didn’t stop in 1990. The M1A2s incorporated the improved turret armour, they didn’t incorporate the improved hull at the time due to weight constraints, they however were going to add it later on, which I believe most likely occurred in the M1A2 SEP via a non-DU armour upgrade as it weighs less then DU, which is why with the weight reduction program that was implemented the M1A2 SEPs weight didn’t increase much even with completely new armour.
The US had apparently tested the improved DU armour in 1989:

However from preliminary testing the US wasn’t entirely happy with the armour, this then corroborates what Flame added, as the improved CE armour was tested in December 1989:

Meaning HAP-2 (2nd gen DU armour) was most likely this armour package + multi-hit capability.
The 2002 armour package was a completely new armour, as it did not exist in 1989/90 as it did not get ballistic testing done until 2000, the M1A2 SEP’s likewise incorporated that armour, what my post was talking about for the M1A1, was the M1A1 being upgraded via a mod, that M1A1 most likely became a SEP, AIMv2/SA or FEP, because that is how US upgrade programs work:
Thus, the armour from 2002 was a completely new armour package.