Its modeled on every vehicles, depending on remaining penetration of the round and length of the fuel tank fuel tanks can protect from rounds.
Its modeled on every vehicles, depending on remaining penetration of the round and length of the fuel tank fuel tanks can protect from rounds.
People just want these standards to be applied equally
Where does it say Turret side armor? It says outer side armor. It also doesn’t say where the DU armor package the welders punched through.
It could be removing turret side armor and punching through turret side or front.
Its not very clear.
Gaijin logic you know?
I mean it would be very very on-brand for Gaijin to say that. Have a free like.
That doesn’t actually mean much, what type of M1A1s where they?
Where they M1A1 Block IIs i.e. M1A2 prototypes, which by the way is most likely what they were? But they also could have been M1A1 HA prototypes, M1A1 HA+/HC/D…
“…technicians removed the outer side armor…”
“A rad survey of the area confirmed minor contamination inside the armor cavity and on the floor adjacent to the right side of the turret armor cavity.”
We have secondary sources talking about the M1A1 SA having DU in the hull at least, not sure what its production date was.
The SA is from the mids 2000s, that said can you link me this source as I personally haven’t found anything about this yet.
its from june 18th 1993 so probably HC’s
It was one of Count_Trackula’s sources he found, not sure what thread but I’ll try and find it
Like I said it could be any of them. Block IIs were prior to the HC and the HA+ would also fit in that time frame.
block II is the closest we are gonna get
block II also might not have had hull DU only improved hull armor
There was a fan blowing next to the holes that weren’t specific where they were welded. Material could have been blown by the fan. The report doesn’t specify there isn’t a fan blowing in the room where it could have blown material.
Without specifying where the holes were made and what DU panel it was you cannot take this as evidence of DU in the side armor.
-Gaijin logic’d again!
Multiple different armour packages were created for the Block II:
Edit - BRL = Ballistic Research Laboratory:
Survivability enhancements could just describe increased survivability of the armor under repeated hits that isn’t modeled in War Thunder.
-Gaijin logic.
yes i was aware
R&D tests for armor doesn’t prove that it was implemented in production vehicles.
-Gajin’s previous response to this document.
block II also added roof armor
Survivability enhancements could just describe increased survivability of the armor under repeated hits that isn’t modeled in War Thunder.
No, the armour package weighed a significant amount:
The multi-hit armour was already incorporated in all M1s produced since 1990, that’s what HAP-2 was (plus a CE improvement).