How to Play on Phantoms

They are the only counter to the Mig-23s at the moment, they would need to go up as well

in game the f4c can only cary 4 aim 7’s on the built in mounts not 8


it could carry 8 tho

irl yea but not in game

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yea it sucks tho i wish they would more stuff the aircraft could carry like dcs tho

If Gajin were smart enough to give it IRCM, then it would probably be an OK 10.3.

That’d be like putting the F-5C to 10.0.

It’d be like putting a neutered F-5C to 10.0. Besides, there’s Mig-21s lower than that.

There are zero flare + R-13 Mig-21s below the F-4C’s BR.
