How To Play F104 post nerf

How should I play the F104A after the nerfs?

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How it was nerfed? Isn’t it most OP aircraft at that BR?

Its flight model got totally shafted. Instead of 14~15G turns at high speed, now you can only do 8G. Loses a ton of speed now too.

Playstyle didnt really change since it is still fastest by a long shot. Just stay mindful of your speed.


Didn’t know about this, maybe be missed somehow. Gotta check it itself, but thanks for explaining.

I have a hard time aiming the guns and getting guns on in general. Missiles are also really hard to dodge like the Aim9D from F8Us. Should I keep playing and try to spade it or should I just move on the something else? Its my first rank 6 rn.

Wait a few days. F8U has a good chance of moving up in BR in the current, on-going BR change

If you are new to the BR, just keep practicing. Stick to high speed hack and slash and avoid turning as much as possible.

Learning to aim is just a skill you get from repetition

It never was to begin with. Its stats were simply boosted bc it faced tons of lvl 20 premium noobs who never look around.


Someone in chat said the I should force headons against slow planes? well it works kinda

you just wait for it to drop to 9.0 lol

I don’t think that’s ever going to happen considering that would be beyond stupid

Yeah, the nerf really hit the AoA performance hard.

Finally, the menace is indeed going up.

It has a “chance”. currently the October patch doesn’t say it will be moved up though that’s prob going to change. If it doesn’t then 9.0 will continue to be ruined. I got to rank 5 as soon as mig15s and Sabres got to 8.0 then I get to rank 6 as F8U gets to 10.0. ;d

They updated it about 3 hours ago.

F8U going up is nice and a lot of the 11.3s coming down will prob mean it will be more popular so hopefully less uptiers to 10.3.
F104 should be more playable. I have been using it a bit and have seen it performs really good in head-ons(Haven’t yet lost a single full commit).
I still am having trouble with missiles especially the A10s but I don’t know if I can do something