How to get into weak teams? {ARB}

This game is killing me with its win rate. I already want to demolish the client.


shot 2024.11.29 19.06.51
shot 2024.11.29 19.06.54

Try in a br that isnt 1.0

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gigachat… the br of your top 10 played planes is on average below 4.7… ,all 10 are non researchable, and stuff like the zero was 4.7 for years, so lowering your average br even lower.

And premiums like the p59, xp-55, vk 103, su11 and so on are know to be op… i wonder u havent bought the BI yet lol…

u can complain about the game once you stop seal clubbing :D

also you cant complain about smt u obviously have fun with and enyjoy, seal clubbing, so whats the deal?

If you want to have more fair fun, play german mig 19.

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i can not get my head around people seriously think this game would have a skill based mm… no it dosnt.

Played under beer in British 12.3, 70% win rate. I didn’t even try to be useful, the shit is falling on its own. If anyone needs victories, we can play in a squad. Please contact me in PM.