gaijin on their way to add the SU-30SM2 as a tech tree jet and the SU-30SM as a premium
Ya tienes top tier?
Well that was disappointing. Just top tier rubbish. Not even much of it.
Hope those default controls are going to be fixed…
Just not for RU please, as I already have that TT researched.
Grinding through German TT with premium EFT would be fun.
I personally want to see CV90 MK. IV fixes, they dropped it in December missing virtually all it’s features and so far nothing has been done.
Well that’s a trailer alright.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything(or pics/footage) of the Su-30 being able to carry Groms. Anything I’ve ever seen on the Grom before is that it’s only able to be carried by the Su-34, Su-25, Su-57, and possibly the Su-24 so kinda confused why Gaijin is putting it on the Su-30…
Hahaha Muhehehe
Attack the D Point!!!
Not like its going to be fixed lets be real. They ignore 90% of CV90 fixes and only ever do nerfs within a week. That’s literally been how they’ve handled them since they were added
more cas?
mOrE cAs?
m O r E c A s ?
They did the SU-30 so dirty in this trailer. They didn’t show it doing any cool PSMs. They could’ve done so much better. It was literally just some flying around, the hornet’s first kill, and AtG stuff. (for Air at least)
And im glad they are, they are pretty much out of new modern aircraft at this point, they need to now go back and do small updates to stuff they missed over the years, like the missing century series fighters etc
Thank god I stopped dedicating my life to this poopoo game , it’s only Russia and USA that receive new things every update
Every other tech tree France,Germany ,china,Italy either get copy paste slop everytime or just 3 km range range horsecrap spaa
Game devs are just lazy
The issue is intercepting them, I would imagine. The Kh-38 already lets the aircraft that wield them to sit miles outside of any non-Russian SPAA system. CAS wise, some wpuld argue Russia does exceptionally well, or is the best as of now, at that role purely because of those weapons. Giving them muntions that allow them to sit even farther back, creates a lot of balancing issues because again, there’s not a lot of non-Russian SPAAs with the range.
Also given how battle ratings look, we’d end up with helicopters in the early jet tiers which is kinda… unimmersive like the rare F117. At least F117s are rare.
Vietnam war helicopters in korean war brackets or even late WW2. Me-262 facing down a huey let’s go.
just more cas man, they never stopped adding them