"Hornet's Sting" Update Trailer!

Surely this is a joke


Why though ?

@Stona_WT The Sunliners Hornet in the video is shown with AIM-9Ls from what I can tell, it should have 9Ms, can you confirm if it will get AIM-9Ms in game?

All the complaining in the first half of this thread is completely on brand. No one is ever happy with shit, not even for a second.

nah fr tho where the super hornet at. why everyone else getting PESA & AESA except the U.S rn. Im not tryna fly another mech scanned array 😭🙏

language please!

Why theres no ST-21… that could be best 4 gen easily…

OH shiii is the hornet gonna be before the f14 please god no I’m currently researching the f14 and I’m not even close

Huh, didn’t know that was added “this update”

Germany welcomes you to the club

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didnt say it was, just sayin the Eurofighter is still gonna clap cheeks

Hoping for revamp of Air Sim with more modern ground units, and let helicopters participate.

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If they can fix the radar on it, maybe. Rafale still hold the top place.

Depends at what.

So completely off topic from what I was saying then. Got it.

As if the US is the only nation lmao

Superior BVR, CAS.
Only not better in 2 turn dogfight I believe.

Mica is not even close at being the best in BVR. Close range, sure.
In dogfight EFT rinses it, especially in GRB environment.

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The Su-30 was carrying groms pls tell me Grom1 is back in game

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When you take into the account the busted radar on the EFT, then yes it performs better BVR.
Pretty sure it’s still better in 1 turn fights.

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