HFK/KV: The Ultimate Roland

germany got the vt1, that is french. So the hfk should come to france if coming into the game.

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It doesnt work like that.
The VT-1 from thales was offered to all roland operators.
Germany and France both have it.
The HFK/KV SPECIFICALLY was only a german project offered only to germany.
Maybe if it had progressed further it mightve been offered to others but it wasnt so tough luck.
Plus, the french have the ITO with 8 ready to launch VT-1s.
The FlaRakRad has two… for now.


Offered, but not accepted. Germany didn’t use VT-1.

As with the VT-1, the HFK/KV is usable by all Roland systems, and therefore should go to all of them.

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Then it should replace the German VT-1 on the FlaRakRad, until then, the VT-1 is a perfect stopgap solution so Germany has a reasonable SPAA at top tier


my point still stands
it was offered to others. the HFK was not.
also, germany did test the VT-1, euromissile even came up with a modification to do so, upon which thales sued them. but lost the lawsuit.

VT-1 is not usable by all roland systems.
roland 1 system cannot use them. also no other can either without some modification (which euromissile did to the single german roland and thales does to the french roland systems (ITO))

the HFK is the same. it cannot be used by anyone except without some modification which was only done to german rolands.
sorry bro.
you cant take this.


As long as Germany gets preferential treatment by having the VT-1 which was only tested, and who knows on what Roland system, then it sets the precedent for Itos receiving HFK/KV.

When it loses VT-1, then we can talk.

I mean, french Tiger helicopters already received HOT-3 missles they arent physicaly able to shoot. So the equilibrium already exists
Besides that VT-1 was offered but never bought and instead HFK/KV project was never even offered to france it dosent have any valid point to stand as a possibility for other rolands other than germany’s since, unlike VT-1 it was never offered not sold to anyone else"


VT-1 is a Crotale Missile that was adapted for the Roland system, but from my understanding neither HFK/KV nor RM-5 were ever adapted for the Crotale system (which ITO uses). They arent automatically compatible, or else you would also see Roland-3 on ITO


now that u mention it… the damn itos had more ready missles to fire + no roland 3 grind didnt they?


France’s Tiger with HOT-3
UK’s Gripen C with SkyFlash
Italy’s Ariete with DM53
Russia’s BMP-2M with Belgian APFSDS

But hey “as long as Germany keeps getting preferential treatment”…


Jeez. Entitlement much?
I won’t say anything because what was needed to be said was said.
Good day sir


@BagelIsMyWaifu are you working on a RM5 suggestion or should i give it a shot?

The flackrad already can defend itself. Ive dies to Vt1 missiles more than ide like to admit.

sorry but the personal experience of another is not a dictating factor for others.
the fact of the matter is, the flarakrad is sadd

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Fla rak rad only gets 2 ready to fire missiles, the radar is not great either so i don’t see why they flarakrad shouldn’t get this missiles


It is very sad but that mostly down to its old Roland turret.

Average EL337GH0St take which is just plain wrong

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