I am happy about the Harry Hopkins.
However now i am a bit sad, with how the Pz.38(t) n.A. have become useless after it lost its scouting…
I am happy about the Harry Hopkins.
However now i am a bit sad, with how the Pz.38(t) n.A. have become useless after it lost its scouting…
(dont tell him about any of the “ww2” tanks)
Scouting should be based on BR. Like nukes.
If Gaijin thinks that scouting shouldn’t be available for lower BRs.
No reason for scout vehicles to not be able to scout even in higher BR matches.
A French small boi and now a British small boi, I like where this update is going!
Lets hope we keep the ww2 train going!
Its a tetrarch after the gym hell yea
Nice! 2.3 BR?
The increased armour and front slope will add survivability over Tetrarch, as will the 2in bomb thrower with 10 smoke rounds. I really hope this vehicle manages to remain at Rank II where it can properly perform as a Scout, as the Pz38nA was previously downgraded to Rank I where it lost Scouting.
How’s the track steering coming along for this and Tetrarch?
You will take old russian clutch steering with energy loss and you will like it.
me in my bmp2m causing mass destruction
weird fella spotted
Tbh, feels awfully high for a Tetrarch with less mobility and 38mm of armour.