Give Challenger 3 (TD) its historical DM63 and 5 second reload

Fair enough.

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These packages are appreciated and important in real life because they are installed in contexts and missions that require them; where they face threats such as IEDs, RPGs, other portable anti-tank weapons, mines, etc.

In War Thunder, we have no such threats; so people perceive these packages as useless, because they are, ingame… but in real life, it’s a whole another story.

Same happens to tanks like Challenger 2. People think they suck in real life just because they are definitely not the greatest in War Thunder, but fail to take into account many factors that make things different between real life and War Thunder (like the fact that CR2 was never meant and would never face NATO tanks, etc).

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Yep, also that War Thunder doesnt consider combined arms nor do we have a lot of our air power we should have.

Thanks! o7

You know it used to be better in the game when it first came out I survived all 12 vikhr shot at the side only lose 1 crew before it was nerf to nothing


The amount of bug reports active for the TES/OES and to a slightly lesses degree 2F. Is actually mind-bogling

CBA to update the list at the moment, so some might be slightly out of date, but:


To be fair, Germany did make UK a deal in which they’d lease ~200 or so older Leopard 2s UK from industry stocks for about ~20 years, and then provide them with a possibility of upgrading them to the latest, at the time, standard for dirt cheap (~1 million a piece) with a guaranteed buy-back at the end of it.

This would’ve had eradicated UKs difficulties with keeping a functional tank force in the short-term, and would have given them ample opportunity (and time) to design a clean sheet MBT in the meantime.


When TES came out it really performed as I expected very good against HEAT (as it should) still don’t know the reason behind nerf and made it useless

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Jokes aside, thank you for passing by and taking the time and effort to make of this a better thread! o7 (I miss the old Forum emotes, aaaa)


Best guess. Britain tax

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It’s worth noting that the UK made a number of decisions based on cost and also what equivalent nations were using, both tanks could be argued to be better than anything the other non-NATO nations were using at the time.

For example Challenger 2 was intended to serve with Challenger 1 so they kept the same guns to share ammunition. Due to cost the Challenger 1’s were taken out of service, which obviously then left CR 2 with a deficiency but it was not at the time as L27A1 should have 700mm+ of penetration compararable to M829A1.

For reference, the Challenger 2 entered service around the same time as Leopard 2A5 and 2A6, and M829A1 entered service around the same time as L27A1 as well as DM43.

It’s not so deficient compared to those two is it? I have heard reports L27A1 makes up for the shorter penetrator by being fired at a faster muzzle velocity and also costs more per round.

No excuse for the engine though, frankly it was a horrible idea and the UK should have upgraded the CR 2 with the CR2E’s 1500hp europowerpack.


and definetly with the CR3

Am I the only one waiting for Necrons to finally finish his essay? He’s been at it for like 30 minutes by now.


I dont see him typing

Definitely, though ideally they should start prototyping a domestic alternative.

The UK has a number of issues across not just military but all industry with its ability to manufacture vehicular engines. Aircraft engines (and by extension maritime engines as they use aircraft engines included (and i suppose gas turbines too)).

Yeah. Type 45s had some worrying issues and even PoW was not unscathed.



And here I was waiting.

Isn’t L27A1 entirely extrapolated from its dimension and weight because we don’t know it’s muzzle velocity?

The issue with the Type 45 was just cooling and the issue with PoW was the propeller shaft, the engine itself is actually very capable and very tried and tested including against damage. The whole world uses Rolls Royce Maritime turbine engines which are usually based on the venerable Rolls Royce Spey or the Trent 800.

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