Depends entirely on where you live. Also the point of the event is to reward players of the game. You know, people who play the game anyway.
I was just explaining his point of view
Locking rewards behind GE makes no sense. Just make them premiums instead then.
Many events you can buy the spots in GE (but i’m agree with u)
I prefer that players be rewarded for their investment rather than their money. At least everyone is on the same footing
Sure, you can get all the reqards as a reward for spending time in the game…about 10-12 hours a day will do.
Earning these event rewards for free is no option for anybody who has any form of real life responsibilities, like school, work or a family.
So what’s the point in locking them behind GE?
Also I don’t think it would take 10-12 hours per day. Last year I did an aviation star in 1.5 hours. Ground takes me longer so I am going to say 2.5 hours. I don’t know anything about naval so I am just going to say 2.5 for that as well. That’s 7.5 hours for all 3 stars. And they all last 2 days. So it comes out to 3-4 hours a day if you want all rewards. A far cry from your estimated 10 to 12 hours.
2.5 hours for ground? With an average match being about 15 minutes.
That means you get 10 matches, putting you at an average of 4000 score points per match.
These numbers seem highly exaggerated even with multipliers.
Average match is def not 15 minutes.
10-15 minutes is normal unless you leave early
You can already buy them with GE, why remove the option to play the game and earn them for free
You also get pretty decent score multipliers for higher rank vehicles which is who they want these rewards to be going to really
At higher tiers in RB you only need about 25k points to unlock a mark
25100 x 1.33 x 1.2 = 40059.6
23810 x 1.4 x 1.2 = 40000.8
2500 points per game = 2.5 hours over 2 days
1565 points per game = 4.0 hours over 2 days
Theses aren’t unreasonable rates over the Christmas period when school is out and lots of people are off work especially as even only getting a few marks of distinction gets you a decent discount on buying the vehicle you want with GE.
Gaijin doesn’t really want you to earn the rewards for free that easily, you better spend some GE along the way.
Anyone who have a chance should just flip burgers for 3-4 hours and buy the vehicles for 15-20GE each. It’s much better and faster than indulging into this FOMO slop event.
The point of a video game is to be fun, if you want to spend 3-4 hours working to spend that money on a game you clearly don’t want to spend time playing that is on you.
also you can’t buy a rank 1 premium for 15-20GE, why would they sell a top tier vehicle for that, if you want to buy it I think it’s about 8000GE
I’m just saying that getting event vehicles with GE you earned by working is much more time efficient, and you don’t need to worry about FOMO.
I was talking about event vehicles.
Ok but why would they sell them that cheap, tech tree vehicles aren’t that cheap, squadron vehicles aren’t that cheap, they are a business at the end of the day, they want to make money
They do sell event vehicles for GE, like I said they cost 8000GE which is about the same as a squadron vehicle of the same tier
and even after the event they are on the Gaijin store so no FOMO needed.
Problem is, score oriented gameplay and fun oriented gameplay are very different.
90 minutes of ASB with 11 kills in A6M3: 7226 score. With score multipliers, you need to get 18.182 score across 2 days.
We’ve already played basically 2 hours doing top-of-both-teams and getting exceptional score in a plane that’s very powerful. If I by some miracle repeated this exact performance the next day, I’d still not qualify for the event.
My actual ASB matches tend to be ~5-6 kills over 90 minutes for ~5000 score (1 kill is 450 score, 1 area capture varies depending on how early you arrive)
Now, what if I became a zomber? What if I loaded a plane up with enough bombs for just 1 base and took off and rushed it and J-d out to respawn and skip rearm and rtb time?
Think I’ve seen some 13-14K score in zomber lobbies before doing basically just that - and this is with ju288s/il-28s rather than supersonic planes that can do it even better.
This maths have been done by quite a few people unfortunately, and one can witness its results in real time: Air Event period - suddenly you got people spamming maps that are 128x128 across at BRs as low as 2-3 where most planes struggle to exceed 450 km/h without climbing very high or going into a dive. Why? So that they can bomb airfields undisturbed by fighters.
You would actually need 16667 points with that combo, which is about 3-4 hours of air SB at rank 3, that is pretty reasonable for a rank 7/8 vehicle
at rank 7/8 you only need to grind 11111 points to unlock a mark of distinction in SB, now IDK how hard that is but over 2 days it’s not unreasonable, and like I have already said many times, if you don’t want to play the game you can just buy the vehicle for 8000GE or later on the market
It isn’t meant to be a free thing, it requires some work but the idea that you play what you enjoy, plus some extra to get the mark of distinction doesn’t seem unreasonable to me, especially as like I have said you can just buy it.
My bad for mixing up GE and GJN.
Players sell event vehicles on the market for 15-20GJN.
- Rank III - IV: 18,182
- Rank V: 17,391
- Rank VI: 16,667
- Rank VII - VIII: 16,000
The score needed with sim and BR modifiers. Remember, sim was nerfed to 2.3 recently.
Is the Kfir C.10 blk 60’s RWR correct? Ive heard from some people that the sps-200 or whatever is on the model from the dev server is incorrect.
Fair enough, still, the event runs in parallel with normal gameplay, how many points would you normally get in an average 2 day period, and how many extra do you need to get a mark, is it worth playing a little more to get that, would you rather spend outside money on it, you have to remember not everyone who plays is in work, school is out for most of the event and so extra playing time for a new jet or tank is a nice trade, not everyone can just decide to work more to make the money for a video game but maybe they can play more, and at the end of the day the things are still purchasable, these mark of distinction events are the best ones because you win by just playing the game as normal and everything can be easily bought with GE, it’s the crafting events that are absolutely awful
And the events are in the end a way for gaijin to make themselves some holiday money at the end of the year