Get the Iranian F-14A IRIAF in the ‘Persian Tomcat’ event

I’ve never grinded an event vehicle… I’ll most likely be doing it with the 23ml or the f5c… any tips

go hard, put some top gun music on and grind until the early hours…

Mighty Wings is one of the best tracks imho


Ngl I am crap at the game

try sim then. It might be they way for you to get easy kills

Things keep getting interesting. First Alcione, then this. Maybe it is time to return playing this game.

Waiting for the top gun maverick skin to drop

It has A F-14 A with better armament
R27, HE Maverick, and some other iranian air to air missile

Sorry but sim is my worst enemy lmao

It has a version of amraam?
(Not the phoenix)

Indeed, weird we agree…

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Pls more F14 spam no

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i am waiting for the new about the lootboxesss, 4 mil SL are waiting for it.

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information i found on the pilot

Jalil Zandi (1951–2001) was an Iranian fighter pilot who served during the entire Iran–Iraq War.

His combat record places him among the most successful pilots of that conflict in air-to-air combat, as well as one of the best Iranian aces ever

Zandi gained fame as an F-14 Tomcat pilot, credited with shooting down 11 Iraqi aircraft: eight confirmed victories and three probable victories. His victories included four MiG-23s, two Su-22s, two MiG-21s, and three Mirage F1s, making him the most successful F-14 Tomcat pilot worldwide

Tragically, he died in a car accident near Tehran in 2001, along with his wife Zahra Moheb Shahedin His legacy as an exceptional fighter pilot endures, and his contributions during the Iran–Iraq War remain significant

Jalil Zandi - Wikipedia


When i checked info about the missile
Its an type of HE Maverick combined with MIM-32
And the other is something that is based on the MIM-32
Not fox-3 i misread , sorry for the confusion

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I am under the impression the R-27R project was abandoned because it wouldn’t interface with the Tomcat’s radar.

We’ve had a wide variety of armaments gaijin has rejected because despite them being mounted on aircraft there’s no proof they were actually fired or capable of being fired so this shoould be the same, no?


How many Russian mains are upset ?

so far I’ve counted 2 saying it’s in the wrong nation lol


India is a British sub tree

Gamba crates confrimed?

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Basically, I’m confused about its addition myself.

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