I don’t think any event vehicle, top tier or not, should be higher than 35,000 but despite players saying 45K is ridiculous; they just ignore it. Events in this game feel like a chore.
Probably a BR step down from the 10.3 CR1, so yeah 10.9 ish
Well, I think there is no point in guessing any further, let’s see what the gaijin came up with this Friday
Sorry, ik that was childish to say lol, but i had too.
Aye, while the points cost isn’t interesting the tank and its history is, so I’ll probably be going for it.
At least its a “free” vehicle right?
I seriously hope it gets an 8 second reload and is 9.7
seeing as the Cr1s are objectively better than it.
the L23 round is so sad rn tbh.
And yeah the CR2 mK2 bounced up when the mk3 went to 10.7, it used to be 10.0 and 10.3 respectively.
It’s good enough on the Chieftain Mk.10 & Khalid @ 9.0/9.3. Doubt it’s going to work well at 10.0 lmao. Especially with the 10.3/.7 premium blackhole/torment nexus.
the khalids round is nice sure but in uptiers it does suffer
Looks to be a fun tank to play. I just dont want to grind it out or pay for it. so my loss i guess.
The amount of points seems fine to me if it was like the previous event, 10 stages of 45,000 (I was able to get the 40,000 from the previous event just by working hard), but increasing the points and then having to make almost double for whoever wants to sell it… well, it’s British so I really won’t bother trying to get it.
Good luck to everyone :)
The points are directly related to Tier IIRC - other events of this type have been 35- or 40,000 pts for lower tier equipment.
But yeah - 45k is way too much for me - good luck to those who try.
That’s really cool, but…
L23 is a fake shell btw, it goes against British army naming doctrine. there should only be L23a1 in game as we don’t have L23a2
Given that the three naval events last year were pretty all completely disastrous compared to the air and ground events, it’s really not THAT surprising they’re breaking the rotation again?
Ye ik
We could get something better to be honest, just look into the Forums suggestion post, there are tons of unique vehicles. It’s a up armored turret Chieftain, not a surprise, there are already a up armored turret Chieftain in-game in the United Kingdom tech tree.
Just like mostly others we had, it’s another easy way vehicle with nothing to add to the game, seriously, this new event rotation is just bringing bad vehicles, compared to the old rotation with actually worthy vehicles to grind.
Lovely tank, but I gotta ask:
Why didn’t you choose a vehicle that was named after a snake for the Year of the Snake themed event?