Get the FV4030/3 in the Enter the Serpent Event!

I had 4 modules left to grind, so now I only have one before I spade it but I kinda wanna keep my 4:1 K/D in the thing lmao


I more care that you have over 60% winrate after the 36 games. Meanwhile I’ve been stuck with 1-death-leaver hell teams, where most the team is already out of the battle after the first few minutes, lol.

Nice, i got transmission, smokes and TLS

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I got L23, smokes, eleveation and crew replenishment xD

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you on the EU or US server? ive been absolutely steam rolling iwht it on NA man.

This thing is definitely gonna hit 10.0 i reckon

EU, it’s imo pretty close to being balanced, but a little hot (only haven’t got L23 yet so take my comments with a grain of salt).
The biggest struggle people seem to have with it is just not knowing where to shoot but that’ll fix itself in time, e.g. I had a match earlier where a T-72A just kept shooting my turret cheeks, instead of taking my breach out, or going for the gunners optics, (though TBF I’m not sure people know to shoot there). Also it’s incredibly map dependant IMO.

My KD as of 28 battles is 3.13 with an average kills per battle of 2.46. Take the stats with a grain of salt of course, (I’m not amazing or anything at WT lmao, and like to engage in dumb activities like spading the Chieftain Mk.5 only using HESH)
Some other personal K/Ds & “kills per battle” for comparison.
Fox - 2.57 & 2.28
Chieftain Mk.5 - 2.33 & 1.95
Challenger Mk.3 - 2.2 & 1.57
Scimitar - 2.07 & 1.77
T-72M1 (SWE) - 1.92 & 1.72
Type-16 - 1.75 & 1.62

(If you want stats for a vic in particular just say)

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Im refusing to use the L23 btw

i dunno im finding myself creaming people on city maps with it, they dont expect the 5 second reload thouhg, but as you say it will change.
Thus leaving only dedicated players using it I suppose.

nah i get that man, to be fair though it would be better balanced at 9.7 if the L23 was removed and L15A5 made accurate, along with access to smoke and HEAT rounds.

nice KDs btw im a chieftain lover so i gotta work on the KD’s of all mine, including hte khalid.

I dont need to see your kD’s at all.

Though!! if youd like to know, i do substantially better with the Shir 2 than any of the chieftains and khalid :D

Eh IMO, a good way to see if something is a hot is to compare K/Ds across a player’s history, if someone says they’re getting a 3.0 K/D or something to argue that something needs nerfing, but their average K/D across the board is 2.9 or something then it would indicate that the player’s skill is more impactful on the K/D than the capabilities of the tank. Where as a player who normally sits in the 2.0-2.5 K/D range suddenly doing 4.0+ K/Ds would indicate the tank is doing most of the heavy lifting.

I need to work on my Khalid K/D too lmao, with the speed I keep overextending like an idiot lmao.

fair enough, I probably wont use it when I get it either, I forgot how nice a larger projectile is when dealing with light things like the TAMs etc

I’m generally pretty terrible with urban maps in general TBH, but honestly it’s not be too terrible in the 4030/3? I’ve survived far more than I should at least, people seem to love shooting the turret etc.

Most folks ive seen this thing are chatting about 2.0 KD minimums, which for british tanks and the spam of it (which im not seeing much but folks are reporting that there are a lot of htem about) show ti to be quite a good tank.

Yeah it definitely happens in the khalid, getting too used to the speed of it isnt always good xD

Yeah It is handy for that, I think I may keep 2 or 3 L23 in there, just for uptiers as its an absolute ball buster using that L15A5 round (A3) xD on Leopard 2 and T80s

Funnily enough the hull is swiss cheese which makes no sense, but yeah folks tend to panic with it for some reason, then that 5 second reload puts more fear in them xD

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Do i still have a chance to get this tank? How can I buy it?

You MIGHT be able to spend GE’s to finish enough tasks to unlock the vehicle directly in game:
If you do not see an option on those tasks to complete them with GE’s, then you would have to wait for the tank to be listed on the Marketplace (only available if you are on PC/Steam, console players cannot use the Marketplace)

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I think it’s like 30 dollars on the market.

I sold it for 29.4

Gotcha. Just figured letting em know it was there was worth a second of typing. Debating if I want it myself, but really not a tier I’m to excited about as far as vehicles go.