Get the FIAT 6614 FIROS in the Rocket Storm Event!

Thank you!
I thought something bugd with the furry pillow 20k score, and startarted worrying.

Every event should be 20k


Not exactly new. They’ve tinkered with many of the event ground vehicles, some after they were awarded.

Back in the day top tier event rewards were premiums.

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35k isn’t bad. But it should be based off rank.

rank 1-2 would be 25k
Rank 3-4 should be 30k
Rank 5-6 should be 35k
Rank 6-8 should be 40k

Somehow its 20k for the firos

Oh thats good and bad

What a nice idea to cross two event!

I even not reach the point where the task became cheaper to buy, so…

If only I got one more hour, but you know, I was finishing Strasbourg task!