Get HMS Barham in the Steel Baron Event!

I still think Renown should’ve been TT and Repulse should’ve been event

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Back to the topic - have used the Barham a half dozen times now - the first game it got 1-shooted on 2nd salvo by a Mutsi, and then the respawn didn’t last very long either so I was a bit “ruh-roh!”!!

Since then it’s been all quite good with lotsa-kills™ and progressing the rest of the modifications quite nicely - without having the AP yet.

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Yes - I think any decompression of naval will be accompanied by seperate BR’s for aircraft along your lines - both will come together


a version of the tech tree’s i have preposed made the ships of each of the major classes ei kgv R class and QE that sank earliest in there lives the event ships. but i had put the more important ships ballance wise in the tech tree ie the 16 inch ships and the one with the best AA fits

100% agreed here.

Why add the undeniably better version of the two as an event?

It made no sense and was just one in the current list of insults towards british naval (and lets not forget Barham is an event vehicle and not techtree). Even funnier is that her gimmick of HE-VT has not even been added robbing the UK of any HE-VT battlecruiser… ever (Hood to early, Repulse never got it, G3 was too early)…

Another one is that HMS Tiger (the cruiser) was for event only, and has no TT counterpart, despite Lion being a literally copy-paste addition as the only two fully competitive cruisers for British naval.

On one hand, I like Barham, on the other hand, i’m exceptionally irritated she was added as an event before the UK got any other top tier…

It’s quite nice, though I found the SAP slightly lacking at range so immediately went for the AP.

She’s a good ship, and probably the best Battleship at top tier for pure BB vs BB combat imo after perhaps Pariskaya Kommuna in my opinion (the RoF great guns, volume of fire and trolly armour really make Paris Kommuna an excellent battleship).

I have been bombed twice though, which is the only slight irritation. I wouldn’t find it to be an issue if we had other QE class with AA though, but we don’t.

i do love that they have said is the being held back for “ballance” looks at the american 5 inch guns on their BB’s and BC’s AND SHOCK they have HE-VT rounds along side the timed fuse

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is all of perfect balans ))))
amerkanski fleet never stage ambush against peaceful flottila in disguise of fishing boats, unlike perfidious albion ((((

That was actually the Imperial Russian Baltic fleet…

it was the Second Pacific Squadron

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Well yeah - that after it was the Baltic Fleet … but I sit corrected.

Had to steal ur meme

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In case you guys didn’t see yet 😄

I forgot to respond to this. Largely agree: However.

Hood is not on the level of Mutsu, Amagi and certainly not worthy of being above Alaska and Kronstadt just based on reload, AA, DPM etc etc all of these beat her. Where she has the advantage in armour the others more than make up for it and Amagi has almost equivalent armour her main issue is poor layout but I don’t think that offsets everything else.

And dispersion is still a huge factor as well as the gun handling (Hood needs like almost a minute to get the rear guns on target vs ships to her front).

I would have Mutsu and Amagi at 7.7 likely with Colorado, and then Hood, Tennessee (without barbette cookoff she might be a bit higher tbh maybe 7.7), Alaska and Kron at 7.3. Along with refitted QE and R class (though of course Britain also needs 7.0 ships for a lineup.

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well renown or replulse would fit as they have less firepower and armor

I had to steal your meme too.

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Why did you @cluckcluck1111 me?

I’m unsure if what I’m about to post here is relevant to this thread, and if it isn’t, I apologize in advance.

There’s this thing currently going on with the Steel Baron event where you have to get 12 Marks of Distinction for Sailors. When you get 12, you get to become a tester. Well, currently, I have 20. I must not be paying attention to something, because I don’t seem to have gotten anything out of getting 12. I suppose I can have some sense of accomplishment, but what’s this about being a “tester”?

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Isn’t that supposed to be for the French Closed Beta Tests?

This naval ‘steel baron’ event vehicle is already over.


I apologize for my obliviousness, but thanks for the clarification.

I tried to look that stuff up on WT’s website, but I couldn’t find it, at least not as quickly as I hoped. I guess all the news is in-game, which makes me feel like a 'Boomer, because I go back and forth from my PS5 to my computer if I need to. ^^;