German premium Tornado Napalm?

speaking of which, just got word AV8B NA lost some gps bombs…
Was gonna hover at 15k ft and drop them on airfield AAA

haha, If I ever got it, that is exactly what I would do in it :D

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I noticed how good the RWR is on the HUD and fell in love. Alongside the JDAMs of course so will use it in a similar way as I described using the Tornado in sim.

Yeah, I use to really enjoy the Harrier Gr7 when it was at a better BR. But its a bit over BRed these days and lost a lot of its fun. So instead tend to play the Sea Harriers.

But they really need some TLC. Even basic things like:

Would be notable buff for Sim

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Well, yes, but we’d also need proper SEAD targets…

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I think S300 and Patriot systems were also Datamined at new ground targets. So they are being worked on as well

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MIM-?23? Hawks too

Imagine dat, a Sim mode with an environment featuring also relevant enemy air defense… = )


I dont know. I think the SIDAM 25s are fairly relevant :D

But yeah. I hope this is some indication of a wider overhaul or update to Sims PvE componants

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I have very little interest in using them in Ground battles.
For me it’s to target AI stuff so happy for them to implement in such a way they are useless against player SPAA

Yeah, I barely touch GRB these days

Nah, I mean in the sense of long range.

SIDAM is not even radar guided, so AGM-88 will do no harm…

What I’d like to see is SAM sites protecting area of interests, making it necessary to attack those areas accordingly.

Yep, that would be good

Pun intended?


its the only freaking weapon system where the german tornado would actualy bet the british one in TT
sadly its not coming

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yes the ids tornados got them with assta 3 or so.
Before that only the ECRs had them

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digital war thundulator

Don’t be alarmed, but the Brits would have some potential ARM options too…

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so do germany, but i am specialy talking about the cluster dispensers.
germany has a slightly better selection of anti tank mines which the british ones dont

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