General playtest of air-to-air missiles with ARH Seekers (FOX-3)

What it’s max speed with the ram jet?

like Mach 5 Its similar performace to a Meteor

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Can it fit on the F-14 A/B or only on the D?

all of them techincally but it was tested on the A

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If you’re within a certain distance they go pitbull off the rail I think.

So we have any update on the timeframe for this?

It ended becore the release of the latest update

Not the beta…

I was part of that. I am wondering when we will see a Fox 3 release date.

Next update in a few weeks

Read the last 2 paragraphs in this post

It just says the second update of the year in the last few paragraphs. No actual delivery date.

Please reduce the team size for upper tier Air RB next update. Seems like even Gaijin agrees that smaller engagements are more interesting.

Any idea when we can expect a developer response to the playtest and feedback?


Well as you probably know, nobody actually knows the dates for the major updates… Even after the trailer and dev server has released no one knows when it rolls out. It’s only announced the very night before with the maintenance thing. We can just guess based off previous years. So likely in a few weeks.

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Will Gaijin be responding to this fox 3 playtest, regarding player feedback, how they’ll implement fox 3’s, what changes, if any, will be made to implement advanced fox 3’s, and just how the playtest went overall?


Gajin test active radar homing medium-range Air-to-Air Missile again in next major update ?

I would imagine they will be available on the Dev Server in random battles, probably not a specific test event like last time.


“One of the main features coming to the next major update will be the introduction of medium-range air-to-air missiles with active radar guidance, also known as FOX-3!”

Likely to be a full game, and not only test.

@Stona_WT Are there any plans to add the aim120c5 and the r-77-1 soon? I ask because they were found in the files.

Do you think they should be added?

Game is not even ready for Fox-3’s we’re getting right now. In fact I don’t know what change was introduced to the game since last major update as even Mike on Alpha Strike devstream said the game wasn’t ready for advanced Fox-3’s, and now it is somehow ready. I know BR split came but I don’t think that matters that much. There is still much more needed to be done to have somewhat playable top tier Air RB. And before someone starts saying that it is gonna reduce furballs, it won’t its most likely just gonna delay their creation a bit as Fox-3’s need to be defeated first.

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