FV432 30mm RCWS - British APC with 30mm Autocannon, Spikes, and ERA

As OP has pointed out, for other suggestions in the same situation, there have been 2 seperate posts for the different nations, if the suggestion mods want it to be suggested for the Israeli tree, then they can simply duplicate the post, and have one in each.

Also true, though I think they tend to rely on the playerbase to create the Suggestion for the other nation. Gaijin can also simply add the vehicle to both nations without requiring a separate Suggestion, as they have ultimate control.

Then why bother moving the post if it doesnt matter?

There are plenty of suggestion mods who submit suggestions, if you want to see them go check the passed to the devs for israel or the passed to the devs in general. Like this one, Fouga CM.170 Magister, A nimble trainer with fangs

As the system is as a whole as something presented by rafael it would fall under them. As explained in the rules/guidelines for suggestions. Unless it was a collaboration of a Uk company/agency and rafael however based off the suggestion itself it does not state, based on the information provided its assumed its just a rafael package (the vehicle as a whole) they were presenting at this show to see if the UK MoD or other countries were interested. Unless there is more information that was was included in the suggestion that can be shared.


This looks fun. +1

+1 for Israel if the UK had nothing to do with the project aside from supplying the chassis. Vehicles should only be split up between nations if both nations were active participants in the project, which doesn’t seem to be the case here. Cool vehicle regardless though.