Freedom Fighter: F-5A(G)

Also the radar gun sight the F5E has people always forget that it has it, tbf the guns are amazing but the gunsight helps a lot

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The F-5E should still be better, guns are still the best weapon even at this BR, non IRCCM missiles are pretty easy to deal with if you just pay attention, and radar missiles are not much of an issue until about 11.7

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Eh not really, all aspects on a fighter is pretty rare at and below this BR unless it’s an R-60M. Orbital strikes and than dogfights is going to be a pretty good strategy for this vehicle.

Literally only time i get kills with 9L’s is when they have no idea they are about to be hit or if they dont flare. So about what you’d already do with a Aim 9J or E since forward aspect is essentially always gonna be flared off.

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and that 50% better engine thrust on the F-5E is going to be a much bigger difference than the slightly more reliable seeker on the 9L

Nobody knows what modern weapons are truly capable of for sure, it is solely to the game designer to decide how it will be implemented in the game. Since Kormorans can lock planes and AI AAA in ARB and also relock themself onto new ground target - they are already capable to do that.

“For playability reasons”

Thats if you dont come across someone thats somewhat smart and stays up high to use radar missiles, just gotta be careful. Regardless this vehicle is missing a lot of its Norwegian equipment like the CM pods and Jato, im more willing to hold a 100% opinion until gaijin actually tries with this vehicle since they didn’t think spending 10 minutes researching the vehicle was important.

Tbf the radar needs ground targets to be a certain size, thats why on launch only targets you could lock ground wise were the Ito 90M, Flarakrad, and Large pill boxes. They fit the size of small boats so the radar could see them. Additionally the Tornado sits at 10.3 in ground RB with a better CAS loadout and CCIP, the F-5A(G) has no CCIP and is 10.7 i personally won’t use the F-5A(G) for CAS since its inferior to all other 10.7 multi role fighters. Imo there are 10.3 and 10.0 fighters with better CAS loadouts and CAP abilities

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The F-5A(G) only has two missile pylons and pretty lackluster flight performance so it’s not that weird, the MiG-23MF has R-23s and the AJS37 which is still a Viggen has 4 AIM-9Ls, plus all the R-60Ms at that BR, it’s far from extraordinary


F-5A(G)-40 (69-7134) with the A-38N “The Viking Shield” Chaff/Flare countermeasure pod
(An Norwegian Modified AN/ALE-38) before it was painted as an “Full tiger”

F-5A(G)-40 (69-7131) with the A-38N “The Viking Shield” Chaff/Flare countermeasure pod
(An Norwegian Modified AN/ALE-38)

both of wich is in-game (131 base skin, 134 obtainable skin)


You ignored that if you wanna carry 4 9L’s you have to lose your CM pods and gun pod, only the 2 center pylons are available for 9L or RB75T, the next 2 center pylons are for the above weapons amd either CM or gun pod. So again no, best loadout is 2 9J’s 1 CM pod and 3 RB75T AGM’s

Also a weaker spaded engine than a stock JA37 so it has worse performance, also cant go the same speed as the JA37 on the deck after the FM change

Not saying it’s extraordinary, just that it won’t be bad

I meant extraordinary as in outside the norm, which to be fair is the only meaning that makes sense based on the etymology

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Its a meh strike fighter thrown into a Fighter role since it cant do bombing at its own BR because its too slow, i remember when it was 11.3 and it was DOA for months

Sweden really needs that F/A-18 MLU 2 from Finland

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What they need is the J35 and JA37 flight models to not be beyond borked and for gaijin to never have removed tracers for 3 years and then say they would add the targeting systems to all their aircraft in place of them. Wouldve made the last 3 years enjoyable considering the gunpods on sweden have a worse spray pattern than the ones on the F4J, like a shotgun but with each bullet being a pellet…

Or you know F 35…

Or even, the F-35???


So most 10.7 games are 11.7 ground so you have 2 aim 9P3’s to defend yourself and no thermal pod with AGM65A’s if you want 9L you have to sacrifice AGM65A so the best loadout with a 9L is 1xCM pod, 1x 9L, 2x RB75T, 2x P3

At 11.7… that seems fun

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Then perhaps that is too low. When you consider aircraft like the FRS1e only .3 lower and FRS1 is at the same BR.

F-5s are some of the strongest aircraft at that BR only mitigated by poor missiles. 9Ls are not poor missiles. This will be the same BR as the F-5E and I wonder at times whether that is too low.

Especially when you consider their cold fusion engines.