Forum Moderation Team is recruiting!

If you enjoy spending your free time on War Thunder forum, discussing with other players and helping them solve their in game issues, we have an offer for you: join the Forum Moderation Team!

What does a Forum Moderator do?
The purpose of moderation is to maintain a high standard of discussion on the War Thunder forum. This can be done by pointing out the appropriate section for a new topic, helping choose a topic name, explaining the forum rules, or making sure the topic doesn’t go off-topic.


  • English language
  • Knowledge and compliance with the War Thunder game and Forum rules.
  • Being an active War Thunder player
  • You must be over 18 years old, be able to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and be a trustworthy and responsible person.
  • Additional Bonus - If you can read/write another language, other than English.

If you are interested, write a PM to Stona_WT and add the following participants to it: TheElite96, BlueBeta , Pacifica, Poussin_Pouipoui, Soric_, PantherAl , DieJagdente

Message title: Forum Moderator Application.

In PM please include:

  • why you want to join the Forum Moderators Team?
  • how long you play War Thunder?
  • how often you visit the War Thunder forum?
  • if you have any experience as a moderator in any forum/group (if so, state where, how long)?
  • what languages do you speak?
  • what country do you live in?

We will try to answer all PMs but please be aware it can take some time.