Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses

got the same bug but no changes so far from gaijin

That’s got to be sim Air mode

It was a bug, it has since been fixed.

It was in Air RB.

The negative RP bonus was a bug? Just for clarification?

It was a visual bug, the RP was never actually subtracted from the otherwise gained RP.
I’ll see if i can find the Changelog and link it here.



It’s even worse.

On a match I just had, I did nothing, absolutely nothing; spawn in, drive, J-out, match over; 0 score points, Activity: 0%…

And yet, the bonus was wasted.

So this was a lie xd.


It’s the “Fields of Poland” mission. It should not have counted, but it did. One of the 5 bonus battles wasted on a 0% Activity, 0% score, 0 RP “match”…


How about remove crew lock!

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