Appreciate the effort here to get some feedback to the developers but these effects should be tested by the players, including those of us on console platforms, before implementation no matter the results of the survey. What might work on paper can be very different than what happens in the game.
I would much rather have seen the team working on improving map design, items related to ground versus CAS and a few other items to improve gameplay such as extending the radius range of repairing teammates.
The stun effects on crews sound like a horrible idea. Please drop this idea from consideration.
Add a medic module to all vehicles that allow teammates to assist in healing injured crew members encouraging team play as is done with repairing.
Again, appreciate the opportunity and will vote accordingly.
What’s annoying about getting punished for your mistakes?
Should planes have engines that magically repair themself, because it’s unfair that bomber guns will most likely hit their engine?
The engine is what allows your vehicle to be a vehicle.
Some vehicle have it in the front for the whole purpose of increasing suvivability of the crew, because if the vehicle gets knocked by a frontal penetration, you at least increase the suvivability of the people that know how to operate it.
Every mechanic that makes an armor penetration worth something is one step into the right direction.
It’s the punishment part. As it stands, if you get shot and penned, the punishment for a “good” shot is losing important crew or modules, while a “bad” shot may damage your crew but not disable anything important, allowing you some counterplay. Counterplay is important for a game and while War Thunder prides itself on being as realistic as possible, gameplay is still considered to keep it accessible and “fun”. Making it excessively punishing would not be fun at all. This is why, out of the options available, crew stun is “excessively punishing”.
because unlike games like arma 3 that have actually useful mobility kills, there are no recovery vehicles, nor does the game operate on such scale where having a dedicated recovery vehicle would be fun and engaging gameplay.
Because it is a game, not a full simulator. We can debate endlessly what War Thunder should be, it will not change what the game is at its core, an accessible simulcade.
Its not like the Enlisted show how “fun” idea screen shake and tinnitus are… (if someone played that particular even when they were just constant) … - they removed it i think after 2 or 3 days because made ppl actually sic… and they want to bring that here WTF?? who in their right mind up there in dev department think its a good idea??
there is something called the ZSU-57-2 at 7.0 and i got no problem bring it to 7.7 or 8.0. if you want to fix that problem just replace the ItsPv 90 to the one that use T-55 chassis and put it at 8.3 it will do the job and also a lot of nation don’t have 7.7 SPAA like Germany, Britain, China, etc. because their 7.0 SPAA would do just fine
tbh, that vehicle would be nice to add at 7.7 or 8.0 BR because its open top, very easy to kill, and no radar instead of Veak being moved down to 7.7 and lost its HE-VT