Following the Roadmap: Possible Changes to Ground Vehicle Damage Models

I mean, i dont think its much of a stretch to say from a fun and consistensy of play perspective that stun mechanics are bad.

Now it can be entirely reasonable to add unfun and inconsistent (random) mechanics because one tries to present a certain experience which might be fun to some.

The issue is that outside of sim, stun mechanics just isnt in my opinion the type of gameplay Warthunder tries to offer.

Edit: ultimately Gaijin may present the experience they want to, but they are asking the playerbase for feedback so clearly they want input on the direction of where they game should go

From Reddit:

Another user who voted “no” because they didn’t read only to change their mind when they actually read. Also, good explanation on the 2S38 thing:


It’s interesting how, even in spite of the dozens of posts demanding people to vote “no” with the hordes of people spreading misinformation and false premises for reading the dev blog… the vote is still 44-56%.

I wonder how the voting would go if people had actually read the dev blog before voting and others had not spend lengths of efforts manipulating and spreading misinformation (while accusing others to do that) in the echo chamber the sub became.


Yes, I hope that every update of WT can free up some attention for fixing ISSUES
Even without any new content, fixing those ISSUES is enough to be exciting


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There are fixes and or suggestions implemented every update… Developers have separate teams for different areas of development…

So… fixes and or suggestions are implemented at the same time that new things are being worked on…

And this should be in a separate thread as it is… since it is off topic!

Its been that way for like a decade now :P

But dont worry, Feedback and the results will both be taken into consideration, Staff also know what to look out for


Didn’t read a word yet.
I bet this will favor the USSR/Russia and hurt others, particularly minor nations.
Will edit my comment once I read it. I wanna see if I’m correct just based on intuition.

Except for healing crew members, every proposal is awful.
The “suddenly changing gun direction” is particularly bad. The proposal of changing every vehicle’s damage model is even worse.
Pouring oil on the floor is simply comical, and even more P2W as players with expert crews will get an unfair advantage (expert crews don’t spill oil on the floor).

I’m sorry but if after 11 years the game was released, Gaijin can’t even fix models of existing vehicles, then I don’t trust Gaijin to somehow double or triple the complexity of every vehicle unless they stop adding vehicles altogether and spend the next 10 years just polishing models, or triple their work force into the 3 digits.

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going from rumor thread here,

they dont mean HE stun, they mean injury stun, imagine getting bashed by a metal pan in the head, you get stunned, disoriented, possibly concussed, takes a while for you to regain senses

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I mean the vote is on an idea. We don’t actually know what will stun and what wont under a potential implementation. They have directly stated hits to crew will stun, but we have no idea if it may include hits to certain modules or higher caliber HE.

The idea itself entails a lot of sources of stun could be considered.

Isn’t easier just to increase spall ? You know, pretty much like some time ago

This brings memories, knocking down the gunner made tanks unable to shot, update and Commander fired right away, new update Commander takes some time to fire. Pretty much like replacing the gunner on old system but adding more lines

concerning the fires, it would be nice to see replenishable fire extinguishers when on points, dying because of fire is always pretty annoying, especially for the fact that there is nothing you can do, and that teammates won’t help you 90% of the time

Would implementing a way to change your answers be a good idea for the surveys perhaps (limited amount of changes to like 1-2 times)?
That way the people who had knee-jerk reactions have the opportunity to change their mind/survey answer after discussion on the forums or similar.

Do you agree with the proposal to add new modules to a number of ground vehicles?

Nope. If all of them all at once, maybe. More half cooked mechanics like volumetric, no thanks.

Do you agree with the proposal to introduce stun and concussion mechanics?

Definitely nope.

Do you agree with the proposal to add new fire sources to the fighting compartment?

Nope. It’s good enough as it is.

Do you agree with the proposal to heal wounded ground crew members?

Nope. If only at a cap or in base, maybe. Otherwise leave it as it is, which is by far “the simplest and easiest-to-use implementation”. Besides, this reminds me a lot to that failed attempt to introduce medical kits.


Detailed damage model is good, BUT, it should be implemented when enough vehicle have it, not just 1 or 2 type cause that will be a big disadvantage for that vehicle, example if it released to only m1 and leopard 2 then both will be more easily to stop their turret from moving vs other tank cause there’s more module that can be destroyed to achieve that, and other tank that don’t have detailed damage model will have a massive advantage until they get the detailed damage. it’s like spall liner but in reverse, rather than giving vehicle that have it a buff, it nerf them


Crew stun is one mechanic that is needed to more severly cripple a vehicle after being penetrated. However I strongly disagree to add some visual effect that effects the player themself.
What we need is just an indicator that gunner/driver/loader are currently stunned.

If I penetrate a vehicle, damage the crew and knock out the vertical or horrizontal controls, I don’t want the player to just turn his hull and kill me because my round didn’t disable him at all.
This only happends because knocking out the crew is generally the best way to take out a tank, or otherwise everyone would start to aim to disable someones breech to knock them out for good.

In general we need mechanics that make it easier for vehicles to be killed instead of turning vehicles into bullet sponges that only get killed through ammo explosions or when all crew are knocked out.

We don’t need APHE to knock out all crew, we just need any AP to disable a vehicle for good.

I really don’t see a point why we can even repair a tanks engine, when that’s like the one part that seperates a tank from just being a bunker.
If your engine gets knocked out, you J out or play as a bunker until you get killed.

At least you shouldn’t be able to repair your engine on your own, but with the help of a teammate.

Alrighty. Stun mechanic is clearly a no go for people and additional fires in the fighting compartment is about a 1% away from being a no. Keep voting no y’all. Terrible mechanics, so keep voting against them.

People used to aim for ammoracks
Which has proven to be flawed because of “wet ammo stowage” on russian tanks, so they went back to crew sniping
which isn’t that hard in the first place…
some tanks got it even worse because of that m1 abrams as example hit in the ufp/turret ring and you can basically J out

Well set the chance for a catastrophic ammo explosion to 100 problem solved.
but that would be a negativ change for 1/2 nations ( russia and china)

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I feel like the healing could neatly be integrated into the same mechanic as reloading shells inside held objectives. This feels a bit less arbitrary as the time based approach. Also it enables decisions, meaning that one has to decide to heal by performing specific action (i.e. driving to the objective), instead of just waiting.
I could see players get frustrated at one sniper camping on the other side of the map, vanishing to heal and then without changing spot coming back with full health crew (if the crew was only damaged before obviously).

It’s amazing how some very active and “good by heart” community members are being super damn loud about their own opinion but call everyone else that doesn’t agree with that stuff ignorant and that they cannot read.
Happens for every community vote, guess that’s why the win rewards were nerfed and the economy in game is actually bad, even for good players.
They call people that don’t agree with them bad and stuff but them, their propaganda and their sheeples following them? Nahhhhh man no issue there.

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Why haven’t we seen any additional information on this? Where’s the list of all the vehicles they want to add more models to? Why aren’t people’s questions where the CMs are specifically tagged getting responses?

Love how we are about to get a couple of new game altering mechanics with no extra information or clarity. Great engagement from Gaijin.

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I fail to see why anyone would oppose Crew concussion. Sure, It benefits the player who strikes first, and if they don’t succeed in eliminating you after that initial shot, it’s entirely their responsibility. And you get a chance

Now I understand I’m going to receive flak on this viewpoint, but I firmly believe that getting shot is a consequence of poor decision-making or simply being outplayed. While I’m against spawn camping and rapidly shrinking maps, I don’t think Crew concussion would significantly harm the game. Rather, it would encourage players to think strategically before acting and emphasize the importance of teamwork.

With the increased risk of traveling alone, players would find greater safety in sticking together with a teammate. This shift would likely discourage solo missions to the far reaches of the map. And instead make for a better and more strategic game where one single player still very much has the possibility to change to course of the game. But it will be more Risky.

High risk = High reward

I believe this update is needed for War thunder to become a game that relies on your teammates to get through the game.