Following the Roadmap: maps for aircraft, flares and repair

Furthermore it would be great if there is somebody able to give at least a feedback on this.

I mean it is very nice to see some progress in certain areas for planes, but there is a lot of room for improvement regarding access to maps, their design and how to play on them - a special section for this would be helpful for players and gaijin.

2 examples:

A lot of guys are not happy with maps like Tunisia or Battle of the Rhine as they are quite often decided by ticket wins for one side before the overwhelming majority of players have fired a single shot…

Or a hell of guys fly torpedo bombers or planes with torpedoes - the current map rotations and/or access rules made it almost impossible to get access on maps with naval targets in Air RB - besides Hokkaido or Malta. I played in February 2 two times in 2 days on the old Norway map - a real masterpiece of map design compared to new ones and a map where you can actually use all plane classes in their intended roles…

Exactly, I find it deeply concerning, this was one of the better maps. I mean, everybody-gets-airspawn is not that good of a gameplay mechanic, but other than that, France 1944 was really good.


Today had a lot of fun babysitting an airfield camper for 15m.
In another game my team lost 3 players because of early/mid game airfield camper - each time I meet the guy, he camps the AF (it’s the 3rd time, but at first I didn’t notice it was him, because I don’t pay attention to nicknames, mostly look at plane types). First he made me chase him, I landed a shot and he dove for AF - so I essentialy wasted my time without removing any threat. He landed and started baiting people into AF AAA. We eventually lost because I was essentialy forced to fight 4 enemies spread around an area, so I couldn’t really force them all down, and well, Ta-152H isn’t the fastest plane around anyway…

The game is quickly degenerating, because out of 4 games in 1 result was decided by deliberate AF camping, in 1 result was strongly influenced by deliberate AF camping and in 1 it wasted 15m of my time.

The funny thing is, even when players are not camping the AF or diving to AF instantly it influences my gameplay - I overcommit because I can’t afford to give the enemy any opportunity to start diving. And if the fight takes places in a 10km circle around AF, it’s basically one and done or the enemy escapes.

The most silly side effect?
Fw 190 F8 and D9 are the ultimate meta planes. Fast, pack a punch, and can dive at 850km/h towards AF - I don’t do that, but many people do. And the most important part - they can force head-ons at will and have good high speed controls which means 1 and done kills are common.
So pretty much AF camping and AF AAA in general is killing dogfighting, because it basically can be avoided. Even without AF AAA getting close and personal is a risky tactic.
But with AF AAA any dogfight not at sea level usually means enemy can just bolt and I am denied any satisfaction.

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If I understand correctly you will reduce the search for tier 6/7 planes but not for tanks? it’s really a shame… many of my friends stopped the game because it was taking too long to search for the high tier tanks, and I’m also getting fed up. You lose a lot of players because of this…