Focke Wulf FW 226 "Flitzer"

Np, they can be accessed thro archive site and their book borrow system.

Paper plane with no genuine performance figures simply estimations.

That’s like a quarter of aircraft in-game lol


Not paper tho, prototype construction was begun. So 100% possible for WT.

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Not a quarter but there’s already too many. Exactly why adding another is unnecessary. Especially when there’s plenty of actual aircraft missing that did exist.

It’s a prototype aircraft that never made it to production. None ever flew, no genuine flight performance information was ever gathered barring estimates (and we know how far off they can be).

Give us the 109K-14 or the missing Me-262’s instead.

-complains about paper aircraft
-also wants the Bf 109K-14


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So its not a paper vehicle. Glad we could establish that fact.

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Do you know what the difference is? The K-14 actually reportedly flew and two airframes were supposedly delivered to JG-52 as reported by multiple sources. This is already vastly more acceptable than a wooden mockup.

It’s a mock up of an aircraft design… it’s a paper aeroplane.

It was an aircraft that was never made, that never flew, that only has predictions regarding its performance. Raw data does not portray how an actual aircraft flies especially not from a wooden mockup. The Me210 was excellent on paper for instance but in the air? That was a whole different story.

So how exactly are Gaijin going to model the thing? Would it be unstable as we don’t know, how’s the drag? Turn performance? Max dive speed? Stall characteristics? You see the problem. People have been asking for the R2Y2’s to be removed etc along with Gaijin removing fictional tanks so why on earth would they add this?

Germany has a lot of interesting aircraft that actually flew. We don’t need paper aircraft.

No, it should be added. It was partially built.

Now you’re describing a third of the aircraft in-game.

The one that also wasn’t built, gotcha.

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Gaijin has already said they plan to remove R2Y2s, though the V1 was being built at the end of the war. The USN took a picture of it.

Of which no engines were produced and no traces of their existence can be found aside from a delivery manifest. Even the O-I has more information than that yet people still inhale the copium and claim it didn’t exist.


How many times are you gonna go from paper → prototype → paper, etc? Make up your mind.
Whether you like it or not, the aircraft reached prototype stage with multiple subassemblies being made, so not a paper aircraft.

Give some sources that state it never reach anything beyond paper.

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One source. The only piece of evidence pointing to the existence of the K-14 is the one delivery manifest listing two delivered to JG 52. Meanwhile, the DB 605L which was supposed to power it was canceled in late 1944 with no known examples completed. There are no known photographs of a K-14. Nor are there any production records from any of the three Messerschmitt factories. No Luftwaffe pilots or ground crew reported seeing a four-bladed 109 in memoirs or interviews. In short, while it is impossible to prove the non-existence of the K-14, none of the evidence that you would expect to see had it actually been produced is present.

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A 109 with a 4 blade prop would have been quite distinctive as well, no other production model had such a propeller.

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+1 looks super cool