+1 great addition to italy
+1 If these rockets perform similar to SNEB rockets, this vehicle has a lot of potential
This vehicle would be nice to see in the normal technology tree
It’s a kinda strange one, so +1
It’s a great day for the Italian mains.
I wonder how much pen this will have. From what I found on the quick it should apparently be somewhere between 250 and 315 mm RHA. Considering how much more mobile than the U-SH 405 and Raketenautomat it will be I have a hard time seeing it below 8.0, especially since it can dump all rockets at once.
You can add the source “ *Громов А.В. ‘Вооружение и техника: Справочник’ - Москва: Военное издательство, 1984 - с.368” judging by it, shaped charge penetrates 250mm of armor.
According to datamines it has 150mm pen
That’s a shame, I hope they’re just using the same rockets as on the AMX as a placeholder. According to the source @EXTR4T3RR3STRI4L and I posted the rockets of the FIROS51 should have a higher mass too (4.8 kg as opposed to the 3.8 kg of the ARF/8M3).
Here’s the link to the source I found in case anyone wants to open a bug report:
@gszabi99 Hi! I found out that you datamined different rockets for AMX in the past
"Added unused aircraft rockets to my list:
ARF/8M3 (API) (model only)
ARF/8M3 (HEI) (model only)
ARF/8M3 (HEI) (heavy) (model only)
ARF/8M3 (SAP) (model only)"
What is this heavy one?
ARF/8M3 (API) (model only)
ARF/8M3 (HEI) (model only)
ARF/8M3 (HEI) (heavy) (model only)
ARF/8M3 (smoke) (model only)
Someone did and the moderators denied that source for being unreliable
God can tell Gaijin that a source it’s true, and they won’t believe him!!!
That’s a shame, but better documentation may be available somewhere hopefully.
There are at least 2 good sources about rockets (one is from Nicola Pignato, another additional one is “A compendium of armaments and military hardware”
by Chant, Christopher. @Il_Signor_Regio is going to report it.
add it
Devblog explicitly mentions 250 mm pen now too.