Right, so, with the nerfed long-range pen and the changes to the number and damage resistance of compartments needed to perma-sink a ship, this new mechanic is just useless at its intended purpose of nerfing unkillable ships
Great, now, can we just get rid of it entirely and fire whoever thought that would be good for naval ?
TBF, the La Surprise is justified in that playing it is 75% uptier hell against SKRs and other 3in autocannon spammers + it gets DD spawn and is incredibly slow for a ship that does
This is horrifying – Soviet 305mm railguns with laser-like precision, and mind you, the Stalingrad-class hasn’t even been officially released yet. If this is the state of pre-implementation testing, we’re looking at apocalyptic balance issues when it actually goes live. The naval meta will implode faster than a citadel hit on an unarmored cruiser.
It’s a shame Colorado will be kinda dead on arrival.
Tennessee has better armor, better secondaries, better anti-air suite, higher fire volume- the only way in which Colorado is better would be raw penetration.
The 16 inch BB should have been a refit West Virginia, so that at least it would have had the same secondaries, anti-air suite and armor as Tennessee.
If it got at least a slightly better reload, even just 5 seconds, it would make me look forward to it a bit more.
we should ve gotten german gunned kronshtadt anyways which i mean is still strong but at least way more realistic
The datamined update is the one nerfing the overturned new mechanic the lack of those ships in changes technically means they keep the over tuned state and still die to single HE salvo so I assume this will get fixed. Though SKR nerfed even more would be that bad lel.
I never viewed the Colorados as likely to be more than a speedbump on the way to the North Carolinas, though I’m not all that happy about being right. West Virginia would certainly be a step up over what’s coming but still not anything that justifies a calendar year wait after Mutsu barring some massive FCS rework that made radar equipped ships absolutely dominant. At least it’s out of the way now so there’s something to look forward to for the USN come future devblog seasons, probably either a North Carolina or 1920 South Dakota which both have main batteries with at least 50% higher output, up to double if the 1920 SoDak’s 16”/50 got a 2rpm. North Carolina should have at least a 2rpm, though perhaps up to 2.5rpm if they follow the firing clock for the 16”/50 as it was a materially very similar mounting to the 16”/45 three gun and designed for an all angle 2rpm, meaning it could manage more at low elevation or loading angle.
Thank god, the SKR would finally be somewhat killable.
I, for one, can’t wait to actually be able to reliably hit things with these accuracy buffs. :P