Fairchild Republic YA-10A - Warthog with a softer bite

I think the real question is what CAS gap hes even talking about?

Is he playing a different game?

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Anything else? there’s dozens of American planes that fit that description.

Out of all of those, the Bronco is the only interesting one.

He’s playing different game it seems.

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The Mavericks in this case are very obviously mockups due to a lack of any service markings. Unless there is an official US report stating it was tested with operational AGM-65A missiles, Gaijin will not accept it as proof of usage.

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The cockpit is also lacking any display for guided munition, wich is also another proof of it’s incapability of using maverick or any other sort of PGM.


Isn’t the A4 and other aircrafts with bullpups alredy there?


Nice picture. The sketch in the report is not very legible, so I wondered what some of the instruments were. Especially the elapsed flight time clock on the right side.

Since the A-X was supposed to have the munitions the A-10 has now, some instruments were there as placehodler. I think this is what the extra instruments with the arrows(?) into the sketch mean.

So no Mavericks, as there is no display, and maybe no RWR either?
I really don’t think Gaijin would change anything with this, unless another source, like a weapons test report, is found.

@Pangolin_Fan here is the source: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADB004597.pdf

have a read. It is quite interesting what flaws came to be and what suggestions were made, that were then installed into the final aircraft

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Im glad you took our criticism and fixed your suggestion.

I know some people who wouldn’t do that.

Not only that, but we could literally get another later Skyhawk variant to fill those gaps
We genuinely don’t need the YA-10 in the TT due to just how many options could be added for the US that were proper service aircraft


A later Skyhawk, you mean a more modern one than the A-4E Early? Kinda defeats the whole purpose of an 8.3/7 CAS if it’s not gonna be 8.3/7.

I would love to see a more modern Skyhawk, but it wouldn’t patch the 8.3/7 CAS gap.

Something like a late A-4E (humpbacked) or A-4F could work.

A-4M could be reserved for much later in the tree, with AIM-9H/AIM-9L, AGM-65F, Walleyes, etc

All of these would be a major improvement over the A-4B in the TT

They wouldn’t be at 8.3/7 though. The whole point of this suggestion is an 8.3/7 CAS.

A late A-4E would be virtually no different from the early in ground ordnance, and would quite literally fit exactly at 8.7. All that might differentiate it is the visual model, and maybe 4x AIM-9Bs instead of just 2x.

An A-4F and A-4M would come after for higher BRs

A-4E Early’s ground BR is 9.3.

In that case, disregard everything I said

tbf, my main reason for not trusting the document was bc I though it was inaccurate/outdated. When @CodenameCrusade pointed out that I was in the wrong, and that the mavericks were merely mockups, that kinda defeated my whole reason for thinking it got info wrong.

The thing about a prototype is, that the things on it are not final an can and will be changed over time.

This timeline of the development-process I found in this case study depicts some context to the earlier report.

The report is dated October to Dec 1972, which is the time of the flyoff between the YA-9 and the YA-10.
Testing of the Maverick was only completed almost 2 years later in Sep. 1974 and even then it only mentions A-10 aircraft and not prototype or YA-10.

The reports of the flyoff between the YA-10 and the A-7D could be interesting, if there are any, because by that point the YA-10 prototype would be in a more matured position.
The case study does reveal that the YA-10 could carry 12 Mk 82 bombs though. During the flyoff, the Gau-8 was also already installed into the YA-10.



But if you consider a later prototype, the question of “why add it?” arises, as the production A-10 is already in the game.


actually, this plane could get added in a folder with the ya-9, wouldnt be a bad idea

also, does it carry flares?

I doubt it. I haven’t seen anything to suggest that it could. It lacks tons of other things, e.g a TV or alternative hardpoints, I’m guessing since it was used simply for show.