Fair Play: October 2024

Are you accusing me of trolling? You are the one who doesn’t want the player who cheated not to be reported. The only one trolling here is you, certainly not me. And for your information I am not obsessive I do my duty and report a problem, but if those who work for Gaijin in are like you no wonder there are so many cheaters in the game.

Instead of accusing others of troll, learn manners

Making a post on the forum won’t help anything. Just report them from the server replay instead of starting drama about a singular player.

As I said, I’ve already done it more than once, as you can see it didn’t help… at this point it is obvious that Gaijin is about to mock us honest players.

Make your reports, POLITELY DM one of the Mods if you think something was overlooked. And please, don’t spam them with many multiple messages. They put a lot of time in already. I’ve been a mod for some very large projects/groups. The mods here are NOT bad, they do try. I’ve seen it personally over multiple years.

However, spamming up the forums isn’t going to help, and you only risk getting muted or temp banned. Not worth it bro. We all appreciate your time and effort to help make this game fair for everyone, but don’t do it at the expense of all the work that you have put into your account and vehicles. Cheers bro.


Please do remember that the report team are humans, and well, that they have not only WT stuff to do, but also irl stuff, so please have patience, thanks :)


The rule i assume you broke is showing his name on a public forum post. Which is never ok no matter how wrong the other user has done.
Screenshot 2024-10-09 213826

Community Guidelines

I want to start this by saying: I’m not privy to any behind the scenes information when it comes to how Gaijin handles cheats/hacks. Everything here is generalised on how it usually works.

If the user you reported is using a way to cheat that is new to the team it might take them i while to figure out how to detect it.
They also wouldn’t want to ban the guy immediately as then the makers of the cheat know they have been found and will change things to not get detected, this spares all other users of the same cheat from being banned.
The team would most likely want to figure out how to detect EVERY user of the same cheat and ban them at the same time. this punishes more cheaters over time and makes it harder for the cheat makers to maintain a valid business as a hoard of angry costumers will demand refunds or never buy from them again.

there is a good explanation from someone who knows what they are talking about:


They are probably better than you think given the information i gave above. Your solution is shortsighted and will give the opposite intended result in the long term. Had they banned every cheater immediately there would effectively be more cheaters in the game long term.


Broo,they bann me,mocking is not so bad ahhaha,i sent 10 replays of my games plead them to check,but day are lazy and they don’t want to do that…

I know, but you literally tied my hands, which shows that the moderators aren’t doing their job, since it wasn’t the first time I had caught him cheating and it wasn’t the first time I had used the replay server to report it, unnecessarily I’d say since he’s still in the game.

So as the saying goes, ‘If Muhammad doesn’t go to the mountain, then the mountain goes to Muhammad’… So I decided to make a post to draw attention to the problem was literally the only way to bring the problem under your nose, as the various reports have been to no avail.

Also, I would avoid writing:

Because I didn’t insult that player, even when I proved that player was indeed cheating. So accusing me of insulting players is literally strained…

I would change the rule to read: 3.1.3 ‘Do not show a player’s name in a public forum post.’ That makes more sense.

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Did you read what i wrote?
do you understand the reasoning on why he might not be banned yet and why it would be bad for the game long term if they did?

drawing public attention to it might also cause the opposite effect. if that player or the makers of the cheat sees the post they then know they are being looked at and can start working earlier on a new version of the cheat to release for when the current is banned. Making the time between banned cheat and new cheat shorter.

Calling someone a cheater IS insulting them, no matter if you are right or wrong about it.


Cheating is Stupid. It requires no skill. I may be an average player at best. However that just makes it so much better when I get “rank does not matter” “skill matters” or “without a miss” awards.
The real reward is getting better at the game.

(Edit: I am not calling anyone in particular a cheater. I just hate the concept of cheating )


Really enjoying the 5 or so vehicles spawning in and doing nothing the whole game but sit at spawn. Really, Really enjoying the obvious bot usernames. Great!

I wish they would get rid of the cheaters in AB. They’re still very much running rampant and are a massive pain in the ass.

No you don’t.

You only help the process if you report such cases the proper way, and the only proper way for gameplay related issues is the Server Replay Report.

Can be that it needs several reports if the evidence so far is not clear enough, so simply report what you suspect as cheating again, to help collect relevant data on the suspected cheater.

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WDYM? If I report someone directly during a live match, it doesn’t count?

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Server replay report allows you to highlight a specific minute to inspect while for in-game report you basically expect them to go thru the whole match.

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Without taking any sides in your exchanges i am not sure if your claim will pass a “reality check”. If i look at a common definition of “insult”:

to act in a way or say something that is offensive or rude to someone:

you might see that a person calling out another person as cheater is not automatically insulting or being rude or offensive.

  1. Technically (and from a legal pov) seen it is no insult if you accuse somebody else of a certain (and declared as forbidden) behaviour as long as you can prove your claim. So there is no defamatory language, no insult or reputation damage if you tell the truth based on hard evidence.

  2. So if i would decide that i ride my motorcycle in the future only without any cloths on public roads - my neighbors can accuse me of being an exhibitionist if they saw me doing this; so even if i would feel insulted and offended - there is no actual insult in place.

  3. Whilst irl spreading the truth might infringe certain individual personality rights it strongly depends on the wording, context and the local law. Outing a player in public whilst presenting a gamertag is not the same as doing this irl and using his actual name (like John Doe).

Have a good one!


Many interesting points here.

I would like to start with this disclaimer:
I got that information straight from a Community Manager a while back (before even becoming a GM) and so i’m just echoing it and flagging posts (like any normal user) where needed.

Note that I personally do not deal with Moderation within the forum and only deal with in-game chat and name-bans and so i do not have any authority nor insight in this specific area, but i have seen it being said MANY times by Forum Moderators as well as Community Managers.

I personally view it this way:
if the recipient could (not even “is” or “would”, just the possibility is enough) reasonably be offended by being called something I would say that it is an insult, or at least could be used as one. That alone is enough for it to fall under the Community Guidelines.

Depends on the country, japan for example count things as defamatory even if unquestionably true. You can be sued and sentenced for anything you say that runs the risk or ruining someone else’s reputation. There are probably more countries where similar cases could be argued.

I disagree, see above.

Agreed, but the Community Guidelines are still applicable even if local law isn’t. Like, it isn’t illegal to swear at someone IRL, but in the game (and any Gaijin websites) it is against the rules and punishments will apply accordingly.

You to!

What do you mean with directly?

Players have two possibilities to report other players, and those are used for different things:

  • Chat related / name related issues ➔ In-game report (“direct”)

  • Gameplay related issues ➔ Server Replay report

See also here:


Now look at this topic, specifically this part:

According to your understanding and the Community Manager opinion, the Community Manager just offended 7164 players.

To be honest, the people in charge will always interpret the same rules differently in different situations.

I don’t know if you remember, but a few years ago if you only mentioned anything about seeing bots (scripts) in the game, your topic/post would be closed or more likely deleted, based on this rule:

3.11. Users are not allowed to discuss the possibilities and methods of causing damage or losses to the Games, Administration, Website Managers, and other Users, including cheat programs, “bot” automation programs, ways to modify the client of the Games, vulnerabilities in the client and server parts of the Games, offering advantages in gameplay, and any other circumventing methods prohibited, directly or indirectly, by Gaijin EULA.

Even if this rule was surely added to prevent people from pasting links to cheats/hacks/scripts websites and discuss how to cheat in the game. But because this rule was abused for years, there was literally no way to talk about the bots (scripts) problem in the game on the official forum.

Fortunately times have changed, and nowadays we even have these Fair Play topics. But this clearly shows how you can interpret rules the way they fit you in a specific situation. This specific rule is still there, just nowadays you won’t see post/topic deleted, because after so many years the company finally decided to admit there is a problem with cheating. Currently this rule is used how it should be used. You can’t paste links to cheats or tell players how to cheat, but e.g. almost every post in this topic talks about cheating and no one deletes these posts anymore based on that rule.

There is a saying in my country: “Give me the man and I will give you the case against him”. If you have the power, that’s pretty much how it works. That’s why rules are not precise and are written in such a way that they can be interpreted in many different ways.

EDIT. I support revealing the names of cheaters. They shouldn’t cheat in the first place in my opinion. Even if some of these players may be innocent. Their accounts could be hacked, and I really feel sorry for them, but I still think it’s good to have their names on the list (we can’t know for sure who is innocent and who isn’t). Just saying this, because my post can look like I’m against it, but I’m just pointing out an inconsistency here.


Same as in your reply :-)

Even acknowledging that it looks like that the OP might be on a crusade - i see where you are coming from, see that forum mods usually handle things like you described them and technically seen forum user accepted that gaijin needs no reason or justification for deleting anything posted - i agree to disagree regarding any correlation between anonymous gamertags and irl legal frameworks which would create a case like you described it based on local law in Japan (sry for very long sence).

So i understand gaijin’s general view on things - but this does not imply that their views are correct and do nt leave room for alternative views.

Gl & hf!

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