Fair Play: November 2024

Do better launch parameters.

Use the key “R” to identify the target before shooting them. It works from BR 1 to maximum. This has been a feature in ground simulator for years, use it.

Hes not on about squadron battles hes on about teamkilling a friend in random battles whos in your squad

Yeah i know but a majority of people dont know this

If you are going to punish people for defending themselves in the time of an attempted teamkill, you need to reimburse people for their boosters that were wasted as a result of allowing that teamkill to happen.


Three intentional teamkills I’ve reported in just the last few weeks - no temp ban for any of them >.<

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See you in battle in 14 days then.


I TKed yesterday because a friendly decides to go full afterburner in front of my magic 2, and if I get banned for that I’m going to be angry, I can’t control what my team does and yes maybe I should be more cautious but I shouldn’t have to be if team can be more aware

The other player getting banned is our reimbursement.

Do not do it again. What else you want me to say? No one care if you TK:

For jokes, strange “justice” or whatever other reason you put here. TK is TK.

Forum POV today


I’m flying Air RB in 16 vs 16 battles, the way Gaijin provides the mode and the weapons with it’s stats.

I do not intend to kill friendlies, but I do have missiles that hit friendlies and cause a teamkill every now and then.

So if the system does not differentiate between intentional and accidental TK, then maybe you deactivate friendly fire in Air RB and just leave it on for SIM.

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Yeah, the advice I get is that to not use missiles if there are friendlies in their range, or possibly enter their range, and not use guns if there are friendlies anywhere close to you. I wonder what game they are playing.
It’s also very telling that they would rather have the system deal with it than the players.

tk is punished because it ruins a player’s game
someone is trying to tk you, ruining your game
you kill them and go on and have fun
you ruined the tker’s game, not allowing him to TK
so now you will get punished by the system

You are not allowed to TK other players. It’s simple as that.


I took an hour of bam for a similar reason, my Python 3 turned into an ally

Can you respond to this

Since this is a major change and accidental teamkills in ARB via missiles happen at least 100 times a day

but 14 days on my first punishment? How is that justified when I know I am not a toxic player and tons others are getting hours or a day or 2

Sounds like the game needs to be fixed before they ban people for their own game mechanics


Ive also have had AMRAAMS pit bull in friendly AI aircraft in ARB, I can’t control that at all

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So give us back our boosters.

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“banned for teamkilling” i do sure love being banned from unexpected teamkills. i sure am a horrible player that trolls every game.