[Fair Play] Fair Play: February 2025

It’s probable they stopped playing, their account was caught in a password leak and they reused password and were hijacked by some botfarm to be used for event vehicle grinding to resell on gaijin store.

That’s usually the case in other MMOs if you see an old or non-suspicious account banned for botting.

This is of course not an excuse and justification to be unbanned.

It’s just something that happens

I know

I know lol. Cool username too bad he had hacks.

Just to know
U can get perma ban from cursing in the chat or smt? Or it is just chat ban


incoming “omg i din du nuttin i dun know why i get ban bro” threads

“my step brother use my account to hack bro I din know please unban I’m innocent”

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I believe is chat ban, but if it’s a really huge slur is probably like a temporary ban.

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Only a temporary chat ban. In special cases up to permanent chat Ban.

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Ok thank u

Fr fr

Permanent ban?
Like for example saying the N-word?

If you want more details regarding rules in chat i would recommend reading through the Code of Conduct (which honestly all players really should do, it isn’t even that long).


Ok, thank you very much.
I’ll check it out.

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Can we get the list in alphabetical order? That’s a lot of scrolling to find names I reported 😂

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Use chatgpt to help you

“ctrl+f” is my best friend in cases like these.

(It’s also generally super useful when searching for information when bug reporting historical inaccuracies)

bravo with the false positive bans! good job gaijin

I fully believe the botting bans.

Sim is almost unplayable dueing air events with how many suicide zombers there are putting in insane hours.

Great job, finally we have a fair game for 12 hours(After this, russian hacker updated ther data than those cheater come back;the majority of chiness cheater buy their cheat from russian)

Trouble is there are too many throw away accounts and too easy to create new email addresss to create a new account. So it will never stop.!!

Well maybe using other methods to perma-ban people.