Fair Play: December 2024

in what way am i fearmongering? statistically speaking there will always be false bans and especially after implementing/changing the ACS a game uses

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User posted this:

Why do i always get scared when checking to see if i got banned even tho i have done anything wrong ;-;

You have answered him with this:

because there has been many false bans before?

Distorting the reality that there is a high probability of a false ban.

So please, do not spread such false, made up claims out of nowhere. Here the discussion ends.


Is the USB switch grounds for banning?

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Please let’s… avoid posting specific names etc… Just for the sake of avoiding witch hunting and so on.
The reports worked and that’s wonderful.


Beaming face with smiling eyes|20pxx20px


Good job!ban more cheaters!

Stona, I have been falsely banned from participating in the game, I’m just getting the same copy paste response from the support team. I am literally asking them to provide evidence that i modified the client, because I am personally able to provide countering evidence that my client hasnt been modified and only posseses user content allowed and endorsed by Gaijin. Is there any way that i can send this proof in or do i just have to wait for the initial flood of actual cheaters to die down?

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in the words of stona, “only dirty cheaters get banned”
I wish you luck though, turns out i was right about false bans being a thing


The truth fears no investigation of course. Apparently a bunch of other people who got banned were using RCSM as well, so was I, maybe that plays a part.


After last post about this, I stopped teamkilling (I only did it to avenge my teammates). Thank you War Thunder for finally doing something about this!

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Before, TKing TKers back was the only way to “counter” them.

Now, intentional TKing is harshly punished by Gaijin, at last; so, if you see someone TKing, just report them and watch magic happen…

That means, of course, that, in order to make sure not to get the same treatment, we must now abstain from TKing even in revenge/protection.