That’s true… B and D should still be together imo (by together I mean like the F-16A and F-16A ADF)
Also the flankers aren’t all the same… for example the su-34 doesn’t count
Yeah I was talking about like Su-27,SM,33,and J-11s
First off, it’s 28,950 not 30,200.
28,950 / 2.20462 = 13131.5kgf.
Would you look at that, it makes that thrust. It’s missing no thrust.
13500 x 2 = 27,000kgf total, or 59,524lbf total.
Superhornet is inferior to F-18C in flight performance.
Show us evidence that F-14D was never produced since you’re now claiming that by citing Yak-141. That or your post is claiming Yak-141 was put into service…
Your post is wrong.
Also a mockup isn’t evidence of usability. Similar to how F-1C is limited due to computer, we need evidence via manual or non-mockups for usability of production aircraft.
Yes, It should though. The US tree has had issues with significant powercreep for a while now (The jump from the F-86F>F-100>F-4C>F-4E really jumped the shark, and made obvious that the US tree was not the one driving that pace) that made obsolete a number of potential additions in short order.
I personally think an F/A-18A in it’s initial entry into service configuration (AIM-9L / -7M), or F-111F should have been added in place of the F-14B (in order to avoid multi-role additions until it’s time), and had an A2A interceptor been needed the F-15A would have been fine.
Depends on how they go about adding the (Super)hornet and if the F-15E has the B-1B or F-15EX next in line.
Though if we add the fa18a, fa18c and fa18e that means no hornet for the av8b+ branch
The Yak-141 saw a limited production run of Four Airframes, so it’s not actually paper. Though the configuration portrayed in game absolutely is.
The SAC sheet was linked in a prior post, wasn’t the issue of how the 8-10 AMRAAM figure was arrived at, which should at least be self evident.
Let me guess evidence of carriage / release by the F-14A &-14B don’t count, for the F-14D do they considering we can’t prove that they successfully guided to the target, or that the AWG-9 can guide the AIM-120.
Yak-141 is not a paper aircraft in-game.
The configuration in-game is a historical loadout for the prototype.
It’s an unfinished prototype, not paper, not production.
The Marines use a number of completely bespoke configurations (from the USN), and two seater hornets still exist as options, so they wouldn’t be a complete mirror of one another.
Ok, so which airframe mounted the IRST?
Though would that be a real fuck ton of hornets?
Yes, there is still the F-18C/D+ and the apg-79v4 equipped ones for av8b line, if talking about unique marine corp hornets
It still doesn’t approach the number of P-51s, M4 Shermans or M60 variants in the US tree, let alone the other nations.
Alr but I’m not sure that should be continued for upcoming aircrafts
The F-14D manual states 30,200 lbs.
Ingame, you only see 10220kgf. It seems that the screenshot you have is old. (I can tell because it has the old RWR)
Where did you get 13,500??? You just said it was 13131.5kgf
Still underperforming even if this was correct.
Based on Gaijin’s past, this isn’t the case
13500kgf is in the screenshot.
And no, it’s not underperforming.
They did some concept demonstrations with the LANTIRN adapter. However, it has not been proved to work.
Since there are no mention in additional hardware in the AMRAAM integration plans of the 1990s, so it likely not went beyond a proof of concept.
To me it looks like the f/a 18 will be true successor to the F5e
Given it looks very similar overall and main wings Having very similar narrow sweep angle
But lower wing Loading maybe it’s even more maneuver able despite Being heavier
So it’s going to be an ufo at low to medium speed while lacking in top speed