F/A-18 Hornet: Announcement & Pre-order!

CF-188 and/or 🇦🇺F/A-18A for Britain when?


“All Hornet variants in the game will receive almost identical types of radars with target identification, RWR and countermeasure pods for launching flares and chaff.”
Does this mean BOL-type pods or just actual pods?


So does the finnish F-18C come with HMD it recieved in the first MLU in 2006-2010 or is it the first variant?

If so why not just release second hornet with the second MLU that also gave it ground ordinance along with other neat stuff?


Which pod is this on the C (early)? AN/AAS-38 NITE HAWK or AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR?

I mean they will be buying to (what was leaked) 13.0 with no ARH missile. Yeah that isn’t going to hurt the matches.))

It should be the ATFLIR. But it might be the A model for the Nitehawk I don’t see any other place for that and it was leaked.

Oh no.

So will this mean we get a finnish F-18C MLU down the road?
since the ground attack capabilites were added with the mid life upgrades


Happy to those fellow US/SW players 👋🥰

But, I almost died 90% by AIM-120, something make me think that will be a lot more now 😰🫠 (about the premium one).


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I’ll hunt them in my Sukhois and Eagles.

It’s likely a Block 20, so yeah, no AESA which to be fair isn’t needed.

Fixes occur weekly at the least.

If you have an issue with industry standard prices then you have an issue with gaming as a whole, which remains cheaper than all other hobbies despite the prices.


Yeah now I look closer it seems like AAS-38A or 38B. Can see the laser and FLIR apertures are in line on the model like the brochure below

ATFLIR has the laser aperture to one side

My largest gripe with it is the naming scheme. A late F/A-18C is what the USMC upgraded back in 2018.

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Wait a premium? Gaijin adding a premium? No way. Impossible.


Almost like their free-to-play game requires some sort of source of income to pay for the game’s development and maintain meant, servers, outsourced models and employee payrolls :P


As some of your compatriote claim, EF-Typhoon is the best jet in the world, why do you need F/A-18?


When France get Belgian’ F-16, there was a freakin wave of complaints, remember that bro…

Anyway, I’m not versus what you’re asking for, don’t be hurt.

Oh come on man they only generate like 2.5% of the entire software industry in Hungary, look at how poor and starving they are man ):


When they went to A+ they started throwing ATFLIRs on them so a C should have an ATFLIR as an option. But it is dependent on what Gaijin want’s to give it. Odds are if the A model NITEHAWK is legit. it will be on the C early cause Gaijin already said it won’t be on the A.

Premium Hornet isn’t getting ARH. At 13.0 they are going to easy targets.

Totally not worth it.


Typhoon is the best jet in the world. However it’s not 12.7/13.3. CF-188 and 🇦🇺F/A-18A would be very nice as either a premium to replace the F-4J(UK) and Bison. Either that or Sqd vehicles.

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And it is thanks to that that this game has got this far- both in time and in terms of development.

I calculated the costs long ago- developing and maintaining the game is expensive.

What do you expect, for a profit company to work for charity?

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