F-84F stripped of CCIP for ZERO REASON?

Gajin’s hate for this plane is seriously never-ending huh? Lemme guess, one Gajin employee got strafed by an F-84F whilst in a Wiesel and immediately ordered devs to nerf it?.

Also I get that CCIP on .50cals is near useless, but the F-84F is already suffering enough as is, why nerf it further?

What makes it worse is they only nerfed the American F-84F, which btw is America’s only confident 8.3 non-premium CAS option.

also this is completely unrelated but why is there an Israeli F-84F in french premium tree?

Was it an export upgrade added to the US one? Theres a few vehicle that have better upgrades due to the US removing the vehicle from service versus other nations that keep the plane in service and upgrade it. Id need to see the bug report to see why it was removed but it may be a historical one. Though it is disappointing if historical.

If they removed the CCIP then it is more than likely because it didn’t have it, so it isn’t a nerf, rather an inaccuracy fixed.


F-100, which used the same AN/APG-30 radar and A-4 “Gun Bomb Rocket” sight, does not provide CCIP this was taken from the bug fixes from the last month

I found it since he didnt look up why it was removed.

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There you go, thank you for searching it.

Took like 1 minute lol, though still kinda sucks but if its accurate then thats that.

F-84F was never equipped with one.

if you’re complaining about the US F-84F try out the other nations variants.

They didn’t list it in any patch notes so idk where you’re getting that from. It also doesn’t explain why the others didn’t lose their CCIP either.

Other nations get more rewards since rank 6, and still get CCIP and thus objectively better in GRB.


Gaijin doesnt list every change. Thats not something new, though it is annoying. As to why the export models have it idk. Id have to check their radar ect or see a flight manual. I assume its because these vehicles were upgraded to prolong service life unlike the US which phased them out.

I’m pretty sure none of the others have CCIP either.

and also there F-84F’s are the worst to grind.

I played the Italian F-84F few weeks ago and it got removed the CCIP either.
Also they removed CCRP for bombs, but I think it was a mistake (CCRP removal).

They dont get air spawn right? Just the US version iirc.

Are you just venting your pain or do you have any evidence of CCIP on the F-84F?

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May be gaijin forgetting the export models, nothing that hasnt happened before. Guess someone willnneed to.make a bug report fornthem or maybe they did get upgraded to use CCIP. Idk


None of the model came with ccip irrc

I know that. But it doesn’t work in sim battles :(

Well if you have proof i suggest making a bug report, im not fluent in their respective languages to do a bug report nor do i have evidence to say they did or didnt

They all get airspawn in GRB

So? Air RB is a more important matter in terms of airspawn

So technically the US is the best version as it has advantages over the others in air RB. Though when they lose their CCIP the US version will be even better. Honestly having air spawn in air RB fornthe US model makes it significantly better than the others for grinding air.